Chapter 5

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The couple were watching "WarGames," when Natasha's phone went off, signaling a text message. She picked it up and saw it was from Fury about Peggy Carter and information about the funeral. Natasha knew that at least a handful of former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents would be there.

She put her phone to the side and felt Bruce kiss her head as he put his arm around her. She looked at him and pressed her forehead to his.

Natasha let her walls down, letting him in completely while he let the world off of his shoulders for a minute. They were fully clothed and all he was doing was holding her, but for them moments like this were intimate. These were the only times when she could be completely vulnerable with him while he showed a happier side of himself. They were both guarded in their own ways and this was how they were able to give the other the emotional side of themselves.

"You're beautiful," he whispered in Russian.

Natasha smiled and closed the gap, kissing him softly. After a few seconds, they parted, letting their foreheads and noses touch.


The next morning Natasha noticed Steve was gone along with Tony. Wanda and Vision were talking in a corner of the room, so Natasha gave them their privacy. She saw Bruce in the lab and quietly snuck up on him then covered his eyes.

"Nat, I'm holding an explosive chemical in one hand and the other beaker is full," he said, not wanting to play along.

She took her hands away and moved to stand next to him. He had unrecognizable chemicals in both hands.

"What is that," she asked him.

"Tony and I came up with it. I'm just testing it before we put it to use. The other chemical should balance it out, so the reaction will be small." He handed her a spare pair of safety googles, "Here."

She put them on while he did the same, then watched as he put a small drop into the other beaker. It let out a small poof and a bit of steam. She didn't want to know what would happen if he dropped the whole thing.

"Well, we know it works," he told her as he put the cap over the explosive chemical and labeled it, then wrote something down.

She took off the goggles and put them back on the desk, then fixed her hair wishing she had brought a ponytail holder with her.

Bruce turned to look at her as he took off his lab coat and asked, "Coffee?"


He smirked and took her hand as they left the building. He pocketed his glasses with the other hand once they were outside.

After Bruce ordered and paid for their beverages, he handed her a cup of coffee while he drank his tea. They decided to sit outside on one of the park benches that was near the shop. The couple talked for a while about movies, his science projects, her assignments from Fury and what they were going to have for dinner.

Natasha felt a presence near and turned her head to see a girl who looked a little younger than Lila approach her while clutching a piece of paper with a woman close behind her.

The redhead gave the girl her undivided attention as she asked, "Excuse me, Miss. Black Widow can I have your autograph?"

"Sure," Natasha answered in her "aunt" voice.

The woman, who was presumably the mother or relative, said, "Sorry, she just really wanted to meet you."

"Not a problem," Natasha reassured the woman with a smile. She was used to girls of all ages approaching her for an autograph or photo.

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