Chapter 11

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Everyone on Tony's side decided to take separate rides while Tony and Rhodey flew. On her drive from the hotel to the airport, Natasha's burner phone went off signaling a text message. She dug the object out of her suit pocket and saw it was from Bruce. She opened the message to see he had sent over a file on Zemo and videos of him setting off the bomb that killed the former king of Wakanda and triggering the Winter Solider.

Natasha racked her brain but couldn't remember a man named Zemo having anything to do with Barnes. Steve had mentioned him briefly in a conversation once during the snap, but there were a lot of things she didn't know about from her time on the run.

She knew she had to get this information to T'Challa before he tried to kill Bucky, and the former spy spent the entire ride over forming a plan.


The fight was worse than she remembered, but it was because Pietro was on Steve's side and causing a lot of people to fall or blast weapons in another direction.

Vision figured out the best way to stop Pietro but came face-to-face with Wanda. No one stood a chance with the twins and Scott Lang on Steve's side.

Natasha had promised Laura that Clint would make it home in one piece. They had both been pulling their punches as if they were sparring. They stopped playfighting Clint once Wanda pulled them apart.

When everyone was back on their own side, she saw something flying in the distance.

"Is that Veronica," Tony asked.

Once it landed, the suit opened to reveal an angry Bruce, who stormed out of the object and into the open.

Bruce looked at everyone then asked, "You guys done?"

"Is that Dr. Banner," Peter asked excitedly.

Bruce turned his head, his expression changing to confusion and waved awkwardly at Peter, then addressed the team, "Steve, Tony. That's enough."

"Stay out of this Bruce," Tony said softly, but Natasha knew it was because if Bruce got involved and hulked-out then he'd be arrested.

"You know what, no. I've kept my mouth shut for too long. I don't like this. You're both taking the team down with you because you two can't communicate properly or come or any sort of agreement. Is this really what you all want?!"

Most of the team mumbled no and that Bruce had a point.

"Banner's right, Cap," Clint spoke up. "Enough is enough. I have a family to look after and Scott has a daughter."

"Tony, Bruce is right," Rhodey said. "We need to stop before someone gets seriously hurt. I'm tired of fighting our teammates. And, come on, Peter's just a kid."

Natasha and Pietro walked toward Bruce and stood at his side. Everyone except Tony, Steve and Bucky followed suit, but the message was clear: Enough was enough.

Natasha noticed how scared Bucky looked. Like he knew he wasn't going to make it out of this airport.

Tony took off his headplate and was about to say something until a plane was heard above everyone and started firing. Natasha knew it was Ross' men tracking Bruce.

Bruce cursed under his breath and ran to take cover. Everyone else scattered, a few split up in pairs.

Natasha and Clint went up to Bruce, who looked as trapped as Bucky did a few seconds ago.

"How did they find me," Bruce asked under his breath.

"If we work as a team, we can make sure you get out of here," Clint told Bruce. He then took out his comm to switch channels and spoke into it, "Guys, we've got to get him out. There's no telling what Ross will do to him."

Natasha was grateful that Clint was looking out for Bruce but knew what was likely to happen to everyone on Steve's side.

"Guys, if you do this then only the people who signed the accords are safe," she said into her comm after switching channels.

"It's worth the risk," Pietro said, as he ran to dodge bullets.

"Dr. Banner is innocent," T'Challa said. "We'll help in any way we can."

"Bruce, when you're given the all clear, start running," Tony said as he prepared to fire back.

Bruce nodded in Tony's direction and prepared hulk-out, which was the only way he would be able to make it out and protect himself.

"Bruce," Natasha said, which got his attention as he faced her. "Promise me you'll stay safe."

"I promise."

She threw caution to the wind as she grabbed him by his jacket collar and kissed him. When they parted, he rested his forehead to hers, then Tony gave him the all clear and Bruce took off running. He let the Big Guy out, who roared in anger while being shot at from another helicopter.

After taking few steps Hulk leaped and was out of sight. One of the planes followed, but Scott grew big, grabbed it and hurled it in the other direction, giving Hulk enough time to get away.

As Natasha turned her attention back to the one plane above their heads that Wanda was keeping still, Natasha saw Steve and Bucky leaving out of the corner of her eye. She took off after them, prepared to help if necessary.

Sure enough when she reached them, T'Challa was about to prevent Barnes from leaving and she fired a Widow Bite at him.

When Steve and Bucky turned to face her she told them, "Go."

She kept firing, giving them just enough time to escape. She knew the consequences of doing this, but it didn't matter because it was the right thing to do. What happened between Tony and Steve was up to them now.

"Barnes didn't kill your father," Natasha said as she walked toward him, dug out her phone then handed it to T'Challa. "In that phone is information on a man named Zemo with video evidence that he was responsible for your father's death."

T'Challa looked shocked and horrified after looking at the evidence for himself.

"Where is he now," the man asked.

"That I don't know."

He stood up then nodded in thanks.

"I know you have to turn me in for letting them go," she said. "But you're free. You can find Zemo."

"I will give you and Banner enough time to run."

"Thank you."

She knew there was no turning back as they parted ways. Natasha was more determined than ever to find her family.

Note: I hope you enjoyed this plot twist. One more chapter!

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