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Rich CEO: Damien,  another party will be organized in the upcoming days and I don't want the same mistake to be repeated.

Damien; Okk Sir

Rich CEO: Vaults and my children both are in your hands Damien.

Damien: Yes Sir , I understand.

Rich CEO: You can go now.

Damien: Okk sir.

Damien comes out of Rich CEO'S chamber.

Romeo: What happened?

Damien: Another party .

Devil: Yess Now I can catch her and make her say the truth who shot Siddharth that day!!

Ekansh: Yeah , but those 5 girls aren't the one that shot Siddharth.

Devil: Huh?

Damien: Yeah those 5 girls were busy in distracting us . It's the other people of the Mafia King.

Romeo: That makes sense ,
Then this time also that Mafia King will sent more people.

Damien: Even our life are at risks now. Wait where are Lucifer,  Charles and Varshini?

Ekansh: They are with those Three.

Damien: Good then.

Romeo: It means we have to take care of vaults , the people in the party , the Three all together?!

Damien: Yeah!

Devil: And this time I will give up my life but will not let them run away .

Damien's POV: I have to take care of my brothers and sisters ,  the Three , the vaults,  the people in the crowd and also the Mafia daughters.

Good job Damien for taking such responsibility, let's not sleep for few days ! The day before party I will sleep the whole day.

After we can get the Mafia in hands then it will be easy to get back all the billions and trillions dollar things that have been exported till days.

Ekansh: Bro what are you thinking so much?

Damien: Huh? Just how to manage these things .

Devil: We all are with you bro don't worry .

Romeo: Yeah let's make a solid plan .

Damien: We want The Mafia King whom the Government is in search for years.

Devil: Not the daughters?

Damien: Also the daughters but if they help us in the last moment. Then the Government can think to leave them.

Romeo: The Government should as the girls are fighting for their rights!

Damien smirks.

Romeo: What?! If they are like their father , they could have just attack us in the mall only .

They didn't create any chaos .

Damien: Hhm , I understand.

Ekansh: What do you think then bro?

Devil: Let us involve them.

Damien: See , if you want to involve them at the last moment then instead of being rude , you have to gain their trust.

That's what girls want at first.

Ekansh: How do you know so much about girls.

Damien: You forgot about Luci and Varshini?

Ekansh: Uhhh I  see .

Devil : Let's take advice from our flirt king !!

Damie , Dev , Ansh looks at Romeo.

Romeo: Don't look at me like this uhmm asking all of a sudden how can I answer like that.

Lucifer: Answer what?

Damien: Nothing Luci you are here?

Lucifer: Shree is calling you all to take your respective shopping things.

Romeo: Okkay.

Devil: Luci!!

Lucifer: What?

Ekansh: Gives us tips.

Lucifer: On?

Devil: How to gain trust of girls?

Lucifer looks at Damien

Damien looks another site.

Lucifer: Just being your true self and a little bit caring and soft.

Devil: We already are!

Lucifer: Yeah good boys.

Damien: Don't count me in .

Lucifer: I know you are allergic to love.

The 4 Brothers and sister enters in living room.

Shreejita: Where were you all?

Lucifer: Talking in the corridor.

Siddharth: Come Bros take a break and sit with us,  otherwise Luci has to get up every time.

Lucifer: You don't have to think so much about me think about yourself.

Siddharth: I am thinking about myself only.

Varshini: Yeah you all Sit na!!

Karthik: See Varshini is telling to sit !

Varshini: You don't have to repeat my every words.

Karthik: Okkay , bro have a sit please.

Damien: Yeah we will sit
And I have to discuss with you all one very important thing and I want all of your contribution!!

Shreejita: Sounds fun!!

Adrian: I am also in!

Damien: Yeah bro we want you also.

Adrian: Anything for my bros and sis.

(To be continued..)

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