The Night That Changes

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Damien reaches with a suitcase in his car to the airport.

To his surprise the whole airport is deserted.

Damien gets down from his car with his suitcase .

The silence of the airport creates a chill through his body .
He doesn't change his shirt covered with blood and sweat.

His phone rings
Damien: I am here take these five paintings and leave my ones .

Mafia King: Let us meet first brave boy , the places where aeroplanes are kept , my private jet is there only , come .

Damien reaches the private jet if the Mafia King and sees Sunaina and Rui standing there with about fifty Mafia Men.

Mafia King: You are very punctual boy , so here's a deal for you to get killed or see your brothers and sisters dead infront of your eyes.

Damien: Seeing myself to be dead is more favourable.

Mafia King: Good ! Now my men will take the suitcase from you . They will check it . Bring those paintings to me. I will kill you by my own hands and then set them free.

You know I keep my words.

Damien forwards his hand .

One of the Mafia Men approaches to him .

Suddenly from nowhere , Starrie comes and shoot the Mafia Man.

Mafia King: What are you doing?

Starrie: Dad , we will proof ourselves! *takes suitcase from Damien *

Mafia King: Oh good now give it to me.

From the back , the gun shots are heard!

Mafia King *understands*: You will die Damien!! *raises his gun and points at Damien*

And a bullet comes straight into his hand .It is the shot of Devil.

Devil: How you dare to say those words even?

Romeo: Damien will be alive till we are alive!!

Ekansh: Your half Mafia Men died in your House And Half will die here!!

The three boys started to shoot and killing the Mafia Men one by one !!

Mafia King : Girls protect me *holding his bleeding hand with another hand*

Sunaina: Until?

Mafia King: What?!

Rui : We are now with Truth, Dad!

Mafia King : You are nothing but disappointments!!


Starrie: Don't expect me to be there after you say these words ? What do you think us , servants?

Mafia King runs to his private jet trying to escape .

Aurora and Samaira coming out of private jet .

Aurora: The captain of your so called private jet and the engine both are dead!!

Samaira: Where will you go, now, Dad?

Mafia King turns back .

Varshini is standing with gun pointing at him

Varshini: Surrender yourself!
Then at least the Government will not give you death sentence!

Mafia King: If I don't live! How will you get information s? *taking out a gun from his blazer and pointing at himself*

Charles shoots his another hand with which the Mafia King is holding the gun.

Charles: What do you think?!
We will let you do so?

At that time helicopters coming down from sky with reporters, Government Polices and Siddharth, Lucifer, Karthik and Adrian!

The Government police arrests Mafia King

Mafia King: I will see you Damien! The way you backstabbed me ! You will be !

Damien: Sure but if I meet you next time ! I will give you a warm welcome with bullets!

The Government Police take The Mafia King .

All the dead Mafia men lying in the airport.

Starrie: Here is your suitcase!

Damien: Thanks!

Starrie: Are you okk? You are covered with blood!

Damien: I am okkay.

The five brothers and sisters hug themselves .

Sunaina calls Starrie to her group of sisters and they also hug themselves!

Sunaina: We did it!

Starrie, Rui, Aurora, Samaira: Yeah!

The Government Police comes to the group of bodyguards: Good Job secret spies!

Mafia Sisters: Secret Spies?!

Aurora: Do you know ? That they are?

Adrian: Secret Spy? Yes ! Just an hour ago before coming here!

Aurora: Ohhh!

Government Police: So Damien and other spies we have to arrest the Mafia Girls too ! And since they help the Government they will be in jail for 6 months?

Romeo: In Jail?!

Devil: They are proofing themselves! Aren't the girls have any right to proof themselves?!

Ekansh: that's not fair!!

Sunaina: See guys it's called Karma , till yesterday we were working for our Dad and doing evil things so yeah.

Rui: Aren't you gonna miss me?

Devil: No , I am gonna miss your too much talking.

Samaira: It's about 6 months just!

Ekansh: But it will feel like 6 years !

Starrie: Aren't you gonna say anything?

Damien: What ?

Starrie: What ,What? See your brothers and my sisters.

The Government Police at the end arrested the Mafia Girls and they get into the Police Car.

The Police Officer standing while Damien comes to him.

Damien: Sir , Our father was the best spy even I and My brothers and sisters are most well known spies sir!

Can't I do anything to just set those Mafia Girls free.?

The Government Police Officer (*keeping hand on Damien's shoulder): Yeah , you are the biggest trustee of The security system of the country, obviously you can but you have to give statement to court tommorow and even take their responsibility for assuring that they will not do further any misdeeds!

Damien *looking at his brothers * : Sure Sir !

(To be continued...)


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