Today's Night

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(This Part will be quite long as its one of the main parts)

Finally The Day comes when every situation changes ~

Every security is maintained, 
The guests start to come and with the guests some suspicious people also enter dressed in black suit .

Romeo informed all the other six bodyguards as well as The Rich CEO and their best friend.

All are ready to face any type of chaos.

But , where are the five Mafia girls?

Today , the number of guests are less only few well known Managers have came to make their deals with CEO,  even the CEO also mentioned them to be alert.

Today's night will be the night of arresting the wanted Mafia King for years .

Devil*through earpiece *: Have you seen any girl?

Ekansh *through earpiece*: No. Where are they?

Devil: Be aware anything can happen today!

Ekansh: Sure !

The 5 Mafia Girls entering in the hall and looks every corner of the hall very carefully.

Starrie *whispers*: What the hell?? So many Mafia men are here? What has father said them?

Sunaina: To be accurate to kill all the Heirs of the CEO.


Samaira: And?

Sunaina: Us!

Samaira: Us?! What?!

Sunaina: Actually his plan is to fit a bomb and kill everyone not to leave a single one.

Since , he knew We will come.

Rui : So he will risk our lifes to death just to get that stupid 5 paintings?

Sunaina: May be who knows? After seeing a number of about more than twenty Mafia Men .

Aurora: I thought they will not be more than ten.

Sunaina: Now divide and work out the plan.

The sisters divide with all their guns and other necessaries loaded.

Damien noticed all the five girls and awares all his brothers and sisters. 

But here's the twist , Damien also said them while warning: They are behind them too , safe them.

The call cuts.

Romeo's POV: Safe the Mafias? Those girls need safety? But ..why?

Romeo looks front seeing Sunaina is coming towards him but more than that he notices about 4 to 5 weird looking black suited men are pointing their guns at her from the crowd.

Before they shoots, Romeo runs toward Sunaina grabbing her in his one arm and turning her to his back and  shoots the four people at a time.

The Chaos started with the sound of the Gun Shots every one is running here and there.

Two men about to shoot the heirs of CEO.

Lucifer : Not so fast , boys!
And shoots the two men .

Lucifer and Adrian takes the Heirs of CEO with the CEO out of the site carefully .

Charles and Varshini take the guests out with continuously shooting every men .

Samaira: What the hell , why they are pointing Us?!

Ekansh : Watch out!
*grabs Samaira by her hands and moves to the side of wall*

Samaira: Why are you saving me?

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