eat and run

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as neteyam and i walk the path back to HQ, i spot nor and teylan carrying some game heading back as well. "hey guys!' i shout.. "catch anything good?" neteyam speeds past me towards them to see what they brought back for dinner. "just a couple of meer deer, nothing too big or scary." teylan responds. "well whatever you can get out here has got to be better than any of that human food right?" i say to the two of them and we all laugh in agreement. i like to think we're laughing because we're all so happy to be home, but i think it's just to avoid having to talk about any of the torture we all endured together. "come on!" neteyam says loudly and excitedly. he wraps his arms around nor and teylan's shoulders as they all begin to walk ahead of me. "let me show you now how to cook na'vi."

the three of them set up near the cooking station outside the main doors, while i make my way inside. laying down right now could not sound any better, its been such a long 48 hours. on my way towards my quiet little corner where i spent my first night, i walk through the main lunge area seeing so many humans sitting around playing games and conversating. i understand that they're our alliances, i just am not sure how to interact with any of them after how the RDA has treated all of us. i have to remember, even though they're alliances now, they all did get here only one way. i just don't know if it's smart to trust them all the time. once through there i pass by the dining area where i see ri'nela and lo'ak sitting alone at the large eating table, just smiling and laughing at each other. i hope she takes a break from it soon so she can tell me all about it and i can tell her about neteyam. they both seem to be so perfect.
finally, i float by the long hall of computer desks and find my nook of blankets and pillows. the glow from all the screens down the hall provide a dim light, making it easy for me to cuddle up, lay down, and close my eyes....

"lun'ayla..." my ears flicker at someone whispering. suddenly i feel the hair move from the front of my face. "wake up." my eyes widen at the voice. "hey sleepy." neteyam whispers to me as he is seated under a blanket next to me. the lantern he placed next to us provides a bright orange glow lighting up the whole corner. "i brought you something. you should eat." as i sit up and rub the tiredness from my eyes, neteyam pushes a large plate and a small bowl in front of me. "thank you." i manage to say. i look around and realize the computer glow is gone and it seems quiet. how long was i sleeping for? "meer deer roasted with some spices and herbs, mashed mushrooms on the side, and..." neteyam lifts the small bowl closer to me. "palm fruit and nectar smoothie that i blended myself, just for you." his smile warms my chest and i feel my eyes begin to tear. "wow...thank you so so much neteyam. this all looks so delicious." i pick up the utensils and begin to blush. "of course ma luna. now, eat what you can and just try to rest a bit more. i will see you in the morning beautiful." neteyam stands up, then bends over to kiss my forehead. before i could think to say anything else, he had turned around and walked through that long dark hallway.

as i finish up eating the plate of food neteyam gave to me, i find myself restless now. so, i stand myself up and begin to look for ri'nela. it's very dark in here at night and way too quiet. thankfully i find her just around the corner from me, where she is sitting in a pile of pillows and eating her own plate of food by herself. "hey, what are you doing up?" i sit down next to her and examine her plate. meer deer, mushrooms and what looks to be some vegetables. "lo'ak brought this to me. he said neteyam made it for us and that he is still trying to learn." she chewed with a smile. "did lo'ak bring you this and then walk away down that hallway too?" i ask, gesturing towards the long line of dark computer desks. "yes he did, and he seemed a little shaky. he kinda just gave me this and left. it was weird." "do you think we should take a walk and see who else is awake? im curious about what they're up to if they're not asleep." "yeah lets go, quietly." ri'nela begins to whisper. the two of us stand up, interlock our arms at our elbows and begin to step quietly down the hall.

getting closer to the main hub, muffled voices can be heard, so we continue in that direction. once at the end of the hallway, we notice a dim light coming from around the corner on our right, ri'nela slowly peeks her head around to say that hall was clear. we continue towards the source of the light, and the voices become more clear.

"i've rescued all of them nearly 4 days ago, i can not just leave them here in the middle of all of this!" sounds like so'lek's voice. he seemed to be trying to whisper while holding back from yelling. "so'lek they've found one of our research sites closest to here, if we don't do anything they will find all of us for sure." that was jake's voice, definitely not whispering. "we aren't leaving them for good. we will come back."  neteyam's voice speaks out. "but like jake said, if we do nothing, none of us here will stand a chance once they find us." oh no. the RDA have gotten closer to HQ, this is bad. neytiri spoke up next, but with a much different approach. "all of you are forgetting the stories told by our ancestors. the sarentu are the best hunters and survivors of all na'vi. even though these four haven't been in battle, their roots are still within them. we should bring them with us. if anything happens we bring them right back here since we'll be close."

"neytiri is right." lo'ak was first to speak after her idea. "if we don't bring them this time, it will just be the next. we will need their strength with us eventually, not to mention i don't think they would be very happy being left here while we go and fight. this is their fight too, even more so being former prisoners of the sky people."

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