gear up

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hearing all of this, ri'nela and i grow nervous and antsy. i can feel her breathing speed up, so i grab her arm tightly and pull her away back down the hall to our safe corner. "we're going to fight??" ri'nela begins whisper yelling at me, like so'lek was trying to do a minute ago. "lun'ayla i've barely touched my bow let alone shot it! how can they expect us to go into battle so soon?" her voice is rising and her breath quickens even more, she's beginning to panic. "okay stop! stop!" i grab both of her wrists to pull her focus towards me. "they wouldn't have us go if they didn't have our backs or think we wouldn't be able to hold our own. you heard neytiri, we are sarentu sister! the blood of our ancestors runs through our veins." ri'nela begins breathing slower. "at the rookery yesterday morning we took those jumps like it was nothing. before we began the climb, neytiri came up to me telling me that the sarentu are the strongest clan. she is right. and so is lo'ak. if we don't join them now we definitely will soon." i nudge ri'nela's chin upwards so she will look at me. "and i'm not sure about you, but i would be very upset to wake up and find out neteyam had left me here to go fight the sky people."

just as ri'nela calmed herself and chuckled at the last thing i said, a shadow down the hall creeps closer to us. even closer, one shadow turned to two, and two turned to three. so'lek, neteyam and lo'ak all walked over to where we were, surprised to find us awake. i take my hands away from ri'nela and inhale deeply. "so....we're going on another adventure huh?" i ask during my exhale. "we were trying not to wake you." so'lek says. "how much did you hear?" lo'ak looks to ri'nela with a worried look. "enough to know it was your idea to have us tag along lo'ak." she snaps back at him. "alright alright..." neteyam interrupts as a voice of reason. "the strength of the sarentu will help us all. eywa has blessed your bones to make you stronger than all of us." neteyam squats down to be eye level with me. he begins to stare longingly at me and reaches his hand out to rest it on my thigh. "we need you."

"when we do leave?" i ask. i'm nervous but also dying for the beginning of my revenge on the sky people. suddenly, a fourth shadow comes stomping forward. "we leave now. right now!" jake shouts, possibly waking the rest of the resistance. the next thing i know, neteyam pulls me to my feet and leads me through the lounge to the main doors. inside the airlock are a bunch of extra supplies like arrows, grenades, and some of the human's gun weapons. i pack my arrow sack full, wrap my bow around my back, and step outside with everyone. one by one we all call our ikrans and they all land powerfully and majestically. nearby the side of the building there is a palm fruit bush, which i pick a few pieces from to feed ra'nrya. she will need her energy too. "everyone listen up." jake begins a plan. "neytiri, lo'ak, so'lek and i will land first and sneak our way around them in their blind spots. we can take out all of the human soldiers, but we will need air support from you three to take out the mecs."

the three of us being me, ri'nela and neteyam. "make sure to aim for the weak spots on the backs of the suits, and be careful of their extra powerful gunfire and grenade launchers. everyone saddle up and follow so'lek and i. lets go!!" i give ra'nrya a quick kiss on the head before climbing up onto her back. as soon as we're in the air, it sets in. what we're about to do is extremely dangerous, we could all easily be killed during this beautiful early morning. the sun is just beginning to rise, the dew on every leaf in the forest glistens and shines. the birds have woken up and are singing their songs. and here we are, heading into a blood bath. i wish nor and teylan were here too. i wish they came with us to the rookery. the two of them seem way more interested in learning more about human ways than learning anything na'vi. it's hard to blame them. the human ways are what we know best anymore.

turns out they weren't exaggerating when they said the infiltrated field lab was very close by. only a few minutes in the air and i see jake, so'lek, neytiri and lo'ak all dive straight downward. neteyam, ri'nela and i all spread out in the air above the lab, but still in sight of each other. looking down i see at least 5 mec suits and a dozen soldiers. its hard to tell what they're doing down there, but it doesn't matter now. slowly, one by one, the soldiers are silently taken out. but it didn't take long for other to notice. soon gunfire began.

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