my sister, his brother

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when the morning comes around and the sun wakes me up, i sit up in the hammock and look around the tent to find neteyam not there. weird. swinging my legs around the side, i see next to me on the stump where there were papers, now sits a wooden plate with some cut fruit and cooked mushrooms. behind the plate theres a folded page standing upright. i lift it and unfold it, "good morning luna. eat up, you need lots of energy today." i suppose this means we're really going, he's actually going to take me this is amazing. i quickly eat up the contents on the plate, thankful that neteyam thought to do this for me. i don't exactly know how to cook na'vi food yet, let alone what ingredients can go together and what can't.

before leaving neteyam's tent, i smell an odor unfortunately coming from myself. it has been a few days since i was able to change any of my clothing. realizing the small selection i do have is back at HQ, im left with no choice. i walk to the far side of the tent where neteyam slept and find his basket of waist cloths and cummerbunds. at least our waists seem about the same size, however, a cummerbund is meant for male na'vi as their under chest protection plates. there is absolutely no way his will fit over my breasts. i suppose i could keep on the top that i have. could at least do with a dip in a lake or stream.

as soon as i walk out of the tent im immediately searching for ri'nela. i know there is no harm to come of her in The Circle, but still, she is my younger sister. last i saw of her she was in a tent nearby neteyam's with a boy her age. low and behold, there she was standing, talking with that same boy outside that same tent. "sister!" i call to her and jog over. i grab her hands in mine, "weeee are going somewhere awesome today." i say to her excitedly in a singing tone. "only if you want to obviously but, you reaaallllly should come with." "woah woah slow down lun'ayla!" she says laughing. "let me introduce you at least before we start planning our next excursion." she's right i am a bit giddy. at least she seems in a happy mood. "this is lo'ak. he's the youngest son of neyfika. she introduced us last night during the gathering."
another son of neyfika? neteyam has a brother. "it's nice to meet you." he starts to say to me. "i hear you met my older brother? he helped me prepare a breakfast for ri'nela the way he did for you." what? was this some weird plan they put together? "yeahhh, its nice to meet you too." i say hesitantly. "my mother wanted to introduce you and neteyam last night, but she couldn't find either of you and no one knew where you went. she's glad you found each other anyway." lo'ak's voice makes him sound considerably younger than neteyam. i do see their similarities though. seems i found the right brother. "yes, im glad we found each other also." i say to lo'ak. "so did you tell ri'nela then where we're going?" i ask. "he did! and im so excited for you! you've been wanting to find your ikran!!" ri'nela is jumping up and down. our hands were still holding until she said that, and i took mine away. "excited for me? what do you mean? what about you? don't you want to make your bond as well? we've talked about it together." i say to her extremely confused. "i am. i will try to make my bond as well but we both know, i'm not the most agile. i don't know what the rookery has in store for us. it's possible i don't make it to the top."

before i could even express my resent to her words, lo'ak grabbed her face in his hands and said, "ri'nela. don't speak of yourself in such a way. you will make it to the top and you will make your bond. we will all make sure of it." the way he spoke to her was soft and reassuring. it reminded me of the way neteyam was speaking to me last night. speaking of, i haven't had a chance to look for him yet. i ask lo'ak if he's seen him and he gestures towards the back entrance or exit of the camp. "i'll see you guys in a bit yes?" ri'nela and lo'ak both nod to me, then look back to each other. i turn away and start to make my way towards where neteyam might be.

and there he is. i spot neteyam at an ikran landing spot outside the back of The Circle. he seems to be putting some supplies in a saddle bag on who im guessing is his ikran nayzi. the one than nearly landed on top of me last night at the tarysu flower. near neteyam and nayzi is jake and neytiri, and so'lek and another na'vi woman. i don't recognize her. however, i do recognize zomey and bob, the ikran ri'nela and i were kindly taken on the back of to get to the upper plains. next to jake and bob stands neytiri and another beautiful ikran. i can only hope the one that chooses me is that beautiful as well. there is just so many colors on all of these powerful and fierce animals.

"are you prepared ma sarentu?!" neteyam yells over to me. everyone's heads have turned to me. "mentally or physically?" i say back to him jokingly with a smirk on my face. "they are ready brother!" lo'ak yells from right behind me. ri'nela is still following him closely as they pass by. all of a sudden he belts out a loud calling noise. "hoooo aaah hoooo!!!" seconds later, another intimidating ikran lands beside him and ri'nela, and lo'ak begins loading his saddle bags as well. as im caught in awe at these amazing beasts... two, very strong arms wrap around my shoulders from behind. i breathe in deeply knowing its neteyam. he makes me feel safer than i ever have been. "sivako ma luna." he whispers to me. "sivako?" i turn my head around towards him and ask. "many warriors before entering battle chant 'sivako!!'. it is a word that represents rising to the challenge. once the challenge is defeated, they chant it again to recognize having risen." he takes his arms and spins me around to face him. he grabs my shoulders and lowers his face to mine. "you are not a warrior heading into battle, but today you will rise to the challenge." i smile at him because he is right. i am determined to make my bond. i will.


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