visiting hours

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walking through the airlock, the metal floors feel cool under my sore feet. a lot of activity in these last few days compared to my 16 year comatose experience. it honestly felt really nice, soothing. i shuffle nervously through the main corridors, focusing on not spilling the very full bowl in my hands. in the last moments i saw neteyam, he was covered in blood, barely conscious, and being limply hoisted onto zomey's back. i'm nervous to see his condition, the sky people's weapons are as unforgiving as they are. i've witnessed more than i cared to in the years i spent trapped by them. it hasn't been a long time since i've been awake, but each day going by more and more memories come flooding back. i will forever be grateful for so'lek's rescue, but neteyam has been my guide, my guardian... he can't be taken from me too...

my steps slow as i approach the infirmary wing, soup warming my hands comfortably. i step inside and am greeted by a small human who introduced himself as doctor ross. "hey there! only got a few patients right now but i think i can guess who you're here to see." "what? what do you mean?" i respond with a nervous chuckle. "you're luna right? he's been asking to see you, this way!!" he waves his arm gesturing for me to follow. around a bend in the hall we approach a long white curtain that was shut neatly, until the doctor stepped up the slanted floor and pulled it back slowly, revealing the bright blue, chiseled body, limp in a bed to small for him the doctor walks around to check the monitors on the other side of the bed, while i examine neteyam carefully. his abdomen is packed with gauze and taped around his ribs. the cuts on his upper arm are also wrapped up tightly, looking moist underneath. i bring my gaze to his face which has a few  small cuts across his cheeks. "he's been going in and out of sleep all day which is a good thing. if he gets a good amount of rest today and tonight, he'll be all good to leave tomorrow. just gonna finish updating his latest vitals and i'll have neytiri check in on him in a bit too."

the doctor speaking startled me a bit, breaking my focus from my favorite person laying injured in front of me. "um, okay.. thank you." i managed to get out. i set the bowl of soup down on the table beside neteyam's head and delicately run my fingers up and down his uninjured arm. "here let me grab you a chair you can sit with him." the doctor rolled one of his weird chairs to the side of the bed and i sit down with a sigh. a moment after i hear his footsteps retreat from the curtained off room. my gaze gets stuck on the bandages around the body in front of my eyeline. "oh teyam..." my head drops, hand still resting around his left bicep. my eyes begin to swell with hot tears. "i'm so sorry...this is because of me." i continue to talk to him in a sniffling whisper, unsure if he can even hear me. "if i was paying closer attention this wouldn't have happened, im so sorry."

as my tears begin to fall onto my knees, i feel a warm hand cover mine. lifting my head i watch neteyam's eyes slowly peak open. he squints at me, as if making sure im really there, and closes his eyes again with a deep breath, rubbing my hand that rests on him. "so you got a nickname for me too now huh?" his raspy deep voice makes my ears fall back in relief, the sound sending hot flashes through my chest. "oh you heard that?" i smile and subtly wipe away the wetness from my eyes. "do not blame yourself, please. that amp came out of nowhere. i would do it again to protect you ma luna." he brings his left hand to the side of my face and slowly rubs his thumb back and forth, making my cheeks blush and become hot and flushed like my chest had seconds ago. i clear my throat before speaking again. "i brought you some soup, bladehead with vegetables and herbs with a swamp hive nectar broth." i point my eyes to to bowl sitting beside him.

neteyam's eyes shoot open as he scans around for the bowl. i grab it for him and he strains to sit himself up a small bit. his face wincing in pain makes my heart hurt, i don't like seeing him like this, but seeing him is better than not. neteyam reaches his hands out to take the bowl and spoon, but i give him a look and pull the bowl away. "you're hurt, let me do it for you... ma teyam." i say with a small, teasing smirk. for the first time, i see a flush of purple in neteyam's face as he chuckles at my theatrics. "i would be crazy to deny such amazing care from such a beautiful girl." we smile at each other brightly and i begin to spoon the warm liquid into his mouth.

after a few more minutes and the bowl becomes empty, i decided i should probably let neteyam get more rest. "i'm glad that you liked it, i want to try to cook more, it was fun." he smiles with sparkling eyes, "it was delicious lun'ayla, thank you so much. i'm so lucky to have met you." "i feel just as lucky." blushing again. "you get more sleep now, i want to see you well tomorrow. i'll even make a breakfast and have it waiting for when you get out of here." he grabs my hand as i begin to stand up from the weird rolling chair. "that would be amazing, you sleep well tonight, i'll be coming for you in the morning." neteyam brings my hand to his lips and give the back of it a tender kiss before releasing it back to me. i step down the slanted floor and pull the curtain shut behind me, my stomach fluttering like crazy. distracted by the euphoric feeling i'm having, i turn and almost bump into neytiri who's on her way in to do her checks on neteyam.

"oh shit! i'm sorry neytiri" i grab her arms in balance. "i'm uh, sorry" i can't stop myself from chuckling and blushing so much. "it's okay lun'ayla," she laughs with me. "sooo how is neteyam, did he like our soup?" "yes yes! he ate every drop, he's going back to sleep again now." neytiri raises an eyebrow at me and smiles simultaneously. the blushing on my face has given me away. "you like him don't you." she whispers in a teasing manner. "ssshhhh!! he might still be awake!" neytiri giggles and continues toward the closed curtain. "get some sleep girl, we're gonna make a big breakfast, we got another adventure starting tomorrow. grab ri'nela and go talk to so'lek and jake before bed, they'll fill you in." before i could process or respond, neytiri disappeared behind the curtain where neteyam rests.

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