Overlord meeting

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Y/n pov

It's the next day, and I'm just watching everyone trying to figure out how to deal with sir pentious eggs that are simply walking around the hotel. Vaggie left the room in frustration after sir pentious brought in some mechanical stuff....

I sigh and see Mama appear with Vaggie.

"What's happening?" I ask
"Alastria is going to deal with the egg problem," Vaggie answers softly

I blink as Mama walks out with the eggs. I think and teleport next to Mama.

"Little fawn?" She asks
" Can I come too? I'm getting bored, " I say
"Just stay close to me," Mama says softly

I nod and cling to her arm tightly as we walk down the street. I look around to see sinners run away from us, but looking at me in confusion. Ignoring what the egg bois are ranting about. I can see it's annoying, Mama.... Soon, a tall ass demon walks to us.

"Hark, Alastria. How fare thee this day? Whom is this maiden?" Big demon asks

Mama makes a radio static sound effect, looking slightly scared. I look at Mama in worry, but looking up at the taller demon in confusion.

"Who's that, boss? Want me to rough him up for you?" A egg asks

"Follow in silence if you value your shell! Greetings, Zestial! As for your question, this is my daughter,  (y/n)" Mama says

I can see the look of shock on Zestrial face. I blink a bit and hug Mama's arm tightly.

"Ah, the weather, doth become this fine day. But you never mentioned a daughter" Zestial says
"Ah, simply because we just got reunited and that, I was expecting her to be with those angels" Mama says
"Really, mama?..." I deadpaned out
"Yes, little fawn" Mama chuckles out

I pout quietly at her and huff a bit.

"Oh, is it alright for my daughter to join the meeting?" Mama asks
"I believe so... Alastria. Thou hath been naught but an enigma since thy manifested in this realm!" Zestial says
"Coming from someone as ancient as you, I take that as quite the compliment!" Mama exclaims

Mama, Zestial, me, and the Egg Boiz walk into an alleyway with a row of lifts. The security camera spots Zestial walking in view, but Mama's image glitches when the camera was on her.  Then it lands on me....

"She is with me. I'll explain when we meet the others" Mama says to the camera

Zestial, Mama, and I get into one elevator. The Egg Boiz attempt to follow, but Mama blocks them with his cane.

"No, no. I have a very important task for you. Stay here and guard the front until I return." Mama orders

With that, the elevator doors close. I stood silently as Mama and Zestial talk among themselves. Soon, the elevator stops, and the doors open. I follow them to a room. We walk in, and I see several other people. I stand next to Mama, who sits down happily. We all see this pretty , but tall women walk in and go to the head of the table.

"Welcome, Hell's sovereign overlords. I've invited you all here because you represent the controlling powers of our city. Together, you own millions of souls. Souls at risk with the new extermination schedule. *pounds fist on table* We need to discuss what can be done to minimize the impact to our interest. Zestial, so good to see you, my friend." Tall woman says
"Enchanted as always, Carmilla." Zestial says while summoning ...tea?

Carmilla notices Mama and me and looks to be in surprise but yet confusion.

"Alastria?" Carmilla asks
"Yes, I know I've been absent some time. I'm sure you've all been wondering!" Mama says
" ...Not really. But welcome back in any case. Mmm who is this with you?" Carmilla asks

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