prep for battle

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Y/n pov

After we go our seperate ways. I'm trying to get in contact with Papa about training me with my powers. But he's keeps hanging up, so I left a voice message.

"Papa, I'm just trying to ask if you could train me in my powers. But I get if you're busy or just ... ya know, having sex with Valentino... or whatever...I'll figure it out myself, " I say

I turn my phone off and glitch to an open forest area. I sigh and think of how I'm going to do this. I groan and slump down as I can't think of anything.

"Stupid brain. Think! Try to remember what Zestial said, not long ago.... god sake, brain!" I say to myself.

I kept this secret, but after the overlord meeting, Zestial gave me his knowledge and battle tactics every once in a while. I see him as a father figure.

I frown and rub my head in annoyance. I hear music play, and I looka round in confusion.

"~Have you forgotten the lessons I taught you?~" ??? Sings

"~Zestial?~" I shout out

"~Have you forgotten to turn off your heart? This is not you
I see you changing from how I've designed you
Have you forgotten your purpose? Let me remind you
Overlord of wisdom, master of war
My life has one mission, create the greatest warrior

I had a challenge, a test of skill
A magic boar only the best could kill
One day a girl came for the thrill
A girl whose mind rivalled the boar's own will~" Zestial sings in my ear.

I look behind me to see nothing. My face turn into determination, and I stand up.

"~Let's go!~" I say

"~Maybe one day she'll follow me
And we'll make a greater tomorrow, then they'll see
I know she'll change the world
'Cause she is a warrior of the mind
Maybe one day I'll reach her
And we can build his skills as I teach him
If there's a problem, she'll have the answer
She is a warrior of the mind~" Zestial sings

I look around for him but can't find him anywhere. I take a deep breath and look around.

"~Show yourself
I know you're watching me
Show yourself
I can see you~" I sing

"~How can you see through my spell?~" Zestial ask

He appears in front of me and I smirk happily.

"~Haha! I was lying and you fell for my bluff
Hahahaha~" I smirk out

Zestial chuckles and walks around me to hold my shoulder.

"~Well done, enlighten me, what's your name?~" Zestial jokes out

I laugh at him, and I play along.

"~You first, and maybe I'll do the same~" I say

"~Nice try, but two can play this game~" Zestial sings

"~Nah, don't be modest
I know you're a overlord
So let's be honest
You are Zestial (Zestial)
Badass in the arena
Unmatched, witty (and king of)
The best strategies we've seen~" I sing

I turn to face him while smirking

"~If you're looking for a mentor, I'll make sure your time's well spent~" Zestial says

"~Sounds like a plan
Overlord and sinner
Bestest of friends~" I sing

"~We'll see where it ends~" zestial sings

"~Okay~" I say

He helps me start training in my powers as we dance around the forest area.

"~Maybe one day they'll follow me and we'll~" sings

"~Make a greater tomorrow, then they'll see
I know we'll change the world
'Cause we are the warriors of the mind
Maybe one day we'll reach them
And we can build their skills as we teach them
If there's a problem, we'll have the answer
We are the warriors of the mind~" We both sing

We both stop, and I stand there trying to catch my breath as I look up at him. He holds my shoulders tightly with a knowing look.

"~I still intend to make sure you don't fall behind
Don't forget that you're a warrior of a very special kind
You are a warrior of the mind
Don't disappoint me~" Zestial says

He kisses my hands before vanishing.

"I promise Zestial.  If I do perish, i will take your words and knowledge with me to the end" I say

I nod my head in understanding as I summon my battle axe and return to training.

I return to the hotel feeling tired, to see Mama and Charlie with the people from cannibal Town. I see everyone is getting prepared for the battle. I nod and summon my battle axe out. Mama looks at me in worry and walks to me. She holds my shoulders tightly.

"Little fawn, promise you make it out alive" she says
"I won't promise anything. But I'll try" I say

She sighs and hugs me tightly.  I hug her back. She pulls away and we wait for the sight of the extermination portal.


StaticRadio daughter (various x reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now