The end?

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Y/n pov

I slow wake up, expecting to see clouds but I see I'm in the rundown hotel still. I still hear battle going on. I whimper as pain rushes through me and I cry out in pain. I hear walking and I look to see Lute. She sees me and walks to my deformed form. She kneels next to my head.

"Sera asked us to take you to Heaven. Not do this!" Lute says
"W w-w-" I tried to say

She looks at me as I see guilt form in her eyes. She touches my face quietly.

"Shh, the pain will get worse" she says
"K kill me.... please" I beg

Her eyes widen as she looks around and faces me.

"Kill you? Are you sure?" She asks
"Please... it hurts too much" I say

She sighs but nods her head at me.

"Fine... I'm sorry for all of this." She says
"I ... forgive ... you" I whisper

Her eyes widen and I see tears glitter in her eyes. I watch her pull her sword out and stab me in the chest. I see her lean and I feel a kiss on my forehead, before I see darkness again.

I gasp for air and sit up to see my limbs are back and my injuries are gone. But better yet, my skin is not grey, but slightly tan, like my human self. I also noticed everywhere I completely white.

"Where am I?" I ask
"Your in the in-between, little one."

I look in the direction of the voice to see....

Siting in a chair, in front of a desk with over 20 screens

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Siting in a chair, in front of a desk with over 20 screens. Also there is several doors next to her.

"Who are you?" I ask
"Call me Blue or Kitkat." She says

I stand up and walk closer to her.

"For why you're here. Is because, I'm giving you options" she says
"What options?" I ask

I watch her wave her right hand at the doors.

"These doors will help you get reincarnated. However, each door has a random universe." She explained

My eyes widen and I see 7 doors.

"Will I remember my past?" I ask
"50/50 chance to remember everything. And yes I'll keep an eye on your past friends and family while also keep an eye in your chosen universe" she explained

I blink as I nod silently. I walk to the doors. I think and open the ??? door before walking through it. I soon see the familiar darkness.

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