Heaven chaos

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Charlie pov

Right now, me and Vaggie just arrived in heaven. I gasp and look at everything in awe. We approach the front desk to see an angel there.

"Hiya! Welcome to Heaven! now, can I get your name?" He asks
"Oh, uh, Charlie Morningstar," I say

We watched him open the book, starting to scan it.

"Charlie Morningstar, hmm... chsrlie.... hmmm. I'm not seeing you on my list here. That's so odd." He says in confusion
"Uh, uhm, my mum got me this meeting, so maybe..." I say
"Oh, mum! Okay!" He says
"Try Luci... Morning... star?" I say while trying to help him

I see his eyes lit up in realisation.

"Oh, fuck! Yeah, hoooo, hehe. Yikes, am I right? Are you sure you're in the right place? Because I think you might be a little lost." He says nervously

He nervously flies down from the desk to us. I noticed Vaggie is unamused of this angel actions, crossing her arms in disappointment. Huh, why? Does she know who he is? If so, how?

"Oh, here we go." Vaggie groans out

I look at her in confusion but return my attention to the angel in front of us.

"No, uh… we're, we're here for a meeting." I start saying

Just then, high above the three of them,we see two Seraphims appear in their angelic forms before turning into their humanoid forms as they land in front of us. Wow, so cool!

"St. Peter. We can take it from here. Greetings, daughter of the Morningstar. I am Sera, the high seraphim of heaven. You are gifted to be here." Sera greets us

The other angel looks at us in  super-excitement, that she squeals and comes forward to greet us as well.

"Hi! I'm Emily, the other seraphim, though you can call me Em! Emmy, E, whatever you want, I go by whatever. *giggles* Welcome to Heaven!" She giggles happily

(A/n: I'm not going to do the welcome to Heaven song. In my opinion, I hate that song... So sorry for not adding it)
Vaggie pov

Me and Charlie are shown in their hotel room, i was busy putting our big tons of luggage down as Charlie sat on the bed excitedly.

"Okay, I love Heaven! Vaggie, did you see the ice cream shop? They had sprinkles made of rainbows!" Charlie rants happily
"Those are just rainbow sprinkles." I chuckle out

I see her stand up and walk to the door. She turns yo face me in excitement.

"Emily's going to take me to a zoo where all the animals are actually soft! You coming?" She exclaims happily
"Uh, I need a break. But hug a koala for me." I say
"O.M.G! Can you imagine an actual koala? see you later!" She says

I watch her zoom right out of the door, leaving me alone in the room. I sigh and lays on the bed. However, i hear a knock on the door a second later.

I groan and get up to answer it, revealing Adam, barging right in to greet her. I pale massively but growl in anger at him. Why the fuck is he here?!

"Hey there Vag-asaurus!" Adam says
"Charlie will be back soon, you need to get out now." I hiss out

Adam enters the room, Lute behind him. My glare hardens at the sight of them in my and Charlie room.

"I'm not looking for the blonde, babe. I'm looking for you." Adam states
"Why?" I ask strainly
"Maybe 'cuz you left the band; you tried for a solo career, or I guess it's more of a… duet!" He says with a smirk
"I don't know what you're talking about." I say
"Do you really think I wouldn't recognize one of my top girls just cuz you're out of uniform?" Adam states

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