Chapter 7 ~ Fighting in Paris

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Jace's P.O.V.

Magnus found them again. They're in Paris. It's just Sebastian's sort of twisted to take Clary to the city of love. That's why I'm sure he'll stay there for a while. He's been obsessed with Clary for as long as I've known about him, so he's trying to get her to fall for him. I can't let her be in his clutches any longer. I don't care what the clave, or anybody else says. I'm going after them. Tonight. 

As soon as darkness settles over the halls of the Institute, I don my gear, make sure I have all my weapons, and slip outside undetected. I hitchhiked to the nearest airport, and used runes to bribe my way onto the plane headed for Paris that was leaving in a couple hours. I was lucky that there happened to be a flight leaving for Paris tonight. 

I spent the next two hours browsing pointless mundane magazines, and coming up with a plan on how to find Clary and Sebastian in a big, crowded city like Paris. I knew Sebastian would have a whole army of demons at his beck and call throughout the city, so my best bet was to find them and follow the trail to where Sebastian was hiding Clary. I had to force my mind away from thinking about what else Sebastian was doing to Clary other than just hiding her. I had to channel all that anger into coming up with my plan. I couldn't fail Clary. Not again. 

Soon, it was time for the plane to take off, so I used runes to bypass security. The mundanes never would have allowed me on that plane if they knew all the weapons I had on my person. Especially things like my seraph blades, that they've never seen the likes of before. I settled in my seat, and prepared to take a long nap on the flight so that I'd have plenty of energy for the fight I'd have to go looking for as soon as the plane touched down. 

"Hey is this seat taken?" 

I had just barely fallen asleep when I was roused by a feminine voice. It sounded so familiar. I raised my head groggily, preparing to yell at the stranger, when I realized who it was. 

"Isabelle? What are you doing here? How did you even know where I was?" 

"We've been following you since you left the Institute. You weren't being very careful you know." 

"We?" I asked, confused. 

"Yeah. You didn't think I'd be as stupid as you and come alone, did you?" 

She moved over a bit, and I could see Alec and Simon sitting together in the aisle across from me. She sat down in the empty seat next to me without asking for permission again. 

"We figured you were going after Clary, and we knew you'd need help." 

"Yeah," Simon added, "Besides, after what you did to her, who knows if she'd even agree to come home with you." 

"Simon," Izzy hissed and reached across the aisle to smack him. 

"We're here to save Clary, not throw around all the blame some more. Once we get Clary back,  we can sort through all of our problems with each other," she reminded him. 

The two lovebirds proceeded to have a conversation, but I tuned them out and went back to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be an even tougher day than I'd originally anticipated. 

I woke with a start when someone jabbed their elbow into my side. "What?" I screeched. 

"The plane is landing. Thought you'd want to be awake. After all, we are on a mission," Isabelle told him, irritated that he'd been cross with her. 

The four of us didn't have much trouble using runes to get back through security, we headed out into the rain. It was late afternoon in Paris when we arrived, so we checked into a hotel to figure out where the clubs were that were most likely to have demon guests. Any demon in Paris would have been informed of Sebastian's arrival. So all we had to do was interrogate a long line of demons until we found out exactly were Sebastian was keeping Clary. 

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