Chapter 8 ~ Temporary Bliss

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Jace's P.O.V. 

I felt my heart nearly stop beating as two demons sank their claws into Clary. Sebastian just smirked at me, his eyes offering a challenge. "Kill me, or save her, your choice," the impossibly black depths screamed at me. I was already running. 

I quickly pulled out my stele, praying to any angels that may be out there I could save her. I'd already let her down multiple times by cheating on her, and taking so long to find her. She couldn't die. As, the iratze sank into her pale skin, I watched the wounds start to close. One wasn't enough. Especially not to heal all the other wounds that marked her body. 

I clenched my fist around my stele, and focused on drawing as many iratzes as I could across her skin. There would be plenty of time to beat myself up for not killing Sebastian later. I picked Clary up and turned around. Izzy, Alec, and Simon were nearly finished disposing of the remaining demons. They didn't need my assistance. I caught Alec's eye and motioned to Clary's injured form, silently telling him that I was taking her back to our hotel. 

Using a rune to make us invisible, I headed out into the drizzle. It didn't take long to get back to the hotel, and once I did, I set about cleaning Clary up. It hurt to see all the scars on her that had never been there before. I felt each and every one as if I'd been the one on the receiving end of the blows. After putting her in some of Isabelle's clothes, I laid her across one of the beds and start packing everyone's things. As soon as everyone else got back here, we were sneaking our way onto a plane and going back home. 

Clary's P.O.V. 

I woke up with a jolt. Someone was pressing a wet cloth to my forehead, and my body stung all over. I kept my eyes closed, letting my memories of what happened sink into me. By the Angel, where am I? Am I dead? Or did Sebastian get a hold of me again. I didn't feel any chains around my wrists or ankles, and some light was peeking through my eyelids. Those were good signs. 

Reluctantly, I opened my eyes, and took in my surroundings. Izzy was sitting next to me, dozing off while pressing the cloth to my forehead. Magnus was standing with his back to me, working on some magic concoction. Alec was standing in the corner, his blue eyes focused on me. 

"Guys," he snapped, but I could hear the relief in his voice, "She's finally awake." 

Isabelle's eyes popped open immediately, and she squealed, "Clary! This is fantastic! I've got to run outside and tell Simon! He's been waiting out there ever since we got back." 

Magnus turned around and smiled at me. "Welcome back, kiddo." 

I smiled back, not entirely sure if my voice box would work. I looked really quickly around the room again. Somebody was missing. And it was the one person that I wanted to see, I think. I'd been pining over him, missing him, for the months I was captured. Not all was forgiven, but I needed his arms around me for strength at least one more time. There would be plenty of time for sorting everything else out later. 

"Where's Jace?" I asked Magnus, my voice coming out quiet and scratchy. 

His smile faltered, "We weren't sure if you'd want to see him, you know, after everything. So, we kept him away." 

"I do want to see him. Months of captivity gave me lots of time to think. I love him, and I'm going to talk things out with him, once I feel better. See where his head is at. Right now, I just want the comfort only he can give me. I've been thinking about him for months. Do you know where he is?" 

"You might not want to get up right now. You had quite a few wounds, and I wasn't finished tending to them," he stopped, seeing the determined look in my eye, "I think he's probably in the training room, beating something up." 

"Thanks," I said, my voice improving a little with each word, even though my throat was still a little raw. 

I headed to the training room, going slow because I was still healing. Once I got there, I heard the sounds of something getting hit, over and over. I looked through the doors, and saw my beautiful, blonde-headed angel furiously beating the crap out of a punching bag. 

"Jace!" I called out, as loud as I could. He turned around and locked eyes with me. For a second, we both stood, completely frozen, until I started running. My battered  body protested the whole time, but I ran right into his arms, and crushed my lips against his. 

It was a few more seconds before he responded. Then he was kissing me back, with so much passion and agony, and guilt. I knew that he was insanely sorry for everything, and I knew I would forgive him. I tangled my hands through his long curly locks, trying to communicate with my mouth that we could talk it all out later, that right now I just needed him. He seemed to understand, and wrapped his lean, but muscled arms around my waist, holding my body flush with his. It seemed like we embraced like this forever, until the pain in my body overrode the pleasure of being with Jace again, and I was gasping for breath, hissing in agony. 

"Clary!" His voice broke, raw hurt breaking through, as I doubled over on the floor. 

"I'm alright. Still a little fragile. I pushed myself too far. I'll be fine," I said soothingly, and caressed the side of his face as he bent down next to me, hands fluttering, as if he wasn't quite sure what to do. It was really adorable. I sat up, a sharp edge of the pain fading away, and curled up against him. 

We sat together like that for awhile, and Jace explained what had happened in the time I'd been kidnapped. He talked about how they'd found me, and hunted Sebastian down in Paris, everything. Then he started apologizing, again, for what happened between him, and the girl I now knew was called Rebecca. I told Jace we'd talk about that elephant in the room later, so, with a regretful glance at my face, he told me about how my mother had hindered the search for me. I'd nearly forgotten about my mother! By the end of his tale, I was fuming. She was so selfish. I could have been held captive by my crazy brother forever, and she was going to do nothing about it, just because she wanted nothing to do with the supernatural. 

I went back to the infirmary, and looked to Magnus. "I think it's time my mother was informed that I'm back. Her and I are going to have to have a chat." 

Hey guys! Another long chapter, and an update the day after the last one! It's a miracle! Anyway, be sure to let me know what you thought about the chapter, and what you would think about me changing the title of this story to something like Everything Has Changed. That was my first time attempting to write fluff, so I hope I didn't do too bad a job of it. Thanks so much for reading this, and following this story, even though I don't update like I should. It means the world to me! Until next time, friends. 

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