Chapter 2 ~ I Followed Him to the... Club??

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Chapter 2 ~ I Followed Him to the... Club???

Jace's P.O.V.

I knew I was in trouble when I got that text.

"Guess what! I'm moving into the Institute! We'll get to spend tons of time together now! Love you. See you soon!" -Clary

It was simple message, but it was like my whole world came crashing down around me. I didn't know what to do, so I just sat at Pandemonium and kept drinking with Rebecca. 

I love Clary so much. I really do. But I hate how the only time we ever spent together lately was during training. There's been no time for romance, or even just talking together for hours like we sometimes used to. I miss feeling her lying next to me in my plain white room at the Institute. 

I was miserable living like that for so long. Until I met Rebecca. She reminded me of Clary so much that it hurt. She was willing to spend time with me. She always called me out on my mistakes. She's stubborn. Her hair is a bright vivid red. And her tiny body is amazing. 

I didn't intend to ever cheat on Clary. I was in love with her. Rebecca and I were just friends at first. But, as I began to spend more time with her, I started thinking that maybe we could become more than just friends. 

Then, I got hammered at Pandemonium that night with Rebecca. She got flirty when she was drunk, and she just looked so much like my beloved Clary. So, when Rebecca began dragging towards one of the private rooms at the back of the club, I didn't even think twice about what I was about to do.

I woke up to my watch beeping. It was 5 a.m. I quickly pulled my clothes back on, and left Rebecca a note telling her that I had to go. I started running back to the Institute with one question running through my mind. What have I done?

I ran to my room and headed straight for the shower. I needed time to think. 

Clary's P.O.V.

I talked with Izzy all the way to the training room. She thought I was just overreacting, and swore that Jace was madly in love with me, and told me that he'd never hurt me. I wanted to believe her, so I 

I went to training, and I saw Jace. He looked upset, but everytime I tried to ask what was wrong, he just said that we'd talk later. So, I just worked really hard during training, even though I was quite puzzled by everything going on with Jace.  

As soon as training was done, Jace bolted out of the room. I shouted after him, but he just kept running, so I went after him. 

Jace's P.O.V. 

Training with Clary after what I'd done was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. She kept trying to ask me what was wrong, and I just kept blowing her off. The only good thing that came out of that training session was that I knew I had to cut things off with Rebecca. Clary was the only one who knew me well enough to even notice that something was wrong, and I needed her. 

I ran to my room and grabbed my phone. 

"I'm so sorry about last night. It was a huge mistake. I don't think we should hang out anymore. Sorry, again" -Jace

Rebecca's reply came quickly, and even though I should've expected it, I was still a little surprised. 

"Wow, umm, can we at least meet and talk about this?" -Rebecca

I sighed, but I figured that after everything, I at least owed Rebecca an explaination. 

"Sure. Meet at Pandemonium in 20 minutes?" -Jace

I didn't even wait for reply, I just grabbed my jacket and sprinted for the elevator. I didn't want anyone to see me and question where I was going. As long as I didn't see Rebecca again, Clary wouldn't even have to know. 

Clary's P.O.V. 

I followed Jace to his bedroom. I waited a few minutes, and when he still hadn't come out, I figured he must've needed to use the bathroom or something and that's why he bolted after training. I was just about to head down to my room to shower and change when Jace came out of his room with his jacket. 

Where would he be going now? I couldn't come up with an explanation, so I followed him again. He ran straight for the elevator, so I took the stairs down and waited for the elevator to come down. After tailing Jace a few blocks, I realized where he was going. Pandemonium. He can't be demon hunting in the middle of the afternoon, so what was he doing?

Jace went in, and I was about to go in after him when I saw something that broke my heart. 

Hey guys! Sorry about not updating for so long. I was experiencing a bit of writer's block, and I wasn't sure if I was going to continue with this story or not. Also, I think I'm going to change the name this story, because I feel like the title doesn't go with the direction that I'm going to take the plot. Any suggestions for a new title? Anyway, thanks for reading!

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