Finally Leaving This Place

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Isabella's pov *you currently live in Virginia*

Here I am again in this stupid hospital. I stared at the white, bland walls and listened to the machine beeping next to me. I guess your wondering why a 16 year old girl is in the hospital. Well living with abusive parents, they took it too far and luckily my neighbor found me barely alive. I was grateful the old man rushed me into the hospital. I wished I could escape here and just restart. What happened to my parents you ask? They're being investigated by Social Security. I am praying, hoping, wishing that I get taken away from this garbage life and away from my shitty parents. I could see them through the window in my room, outside the hallway, yelling and shouting and the man with the clipboard. My mom pushed the guy, and he stumbled while she stormed out of the place. My father angrily followed her out and the man came into my room."Hi! Are you Isabella L/n?" the man asked.

"Hi, yes I'm her!"

"Well I got some news for you miss. I don't know how you will react but either reaction is normal. I work with Social Security and it is my job to determine the health and safety of people. Based on your current household, I think it is best if you don't live with your parents anymore and find a new family. I did my research and it says you have a distant family in Tulsa, Ok. You'll be staying under the protection of the Curtis' and enrolling into the nearest high school. I'm terribly sorry for the big move, but it is all just for your benefit.

I couldn't believe it. I was actually leaving. This was my time to restart and start fresh. I was overwhelmed with happiness and joy, and I felt no pain leaving my "parentals". I remember meeting my cousins when we were little, but that was when my family was happy. I wondered how they're doing.."Ok miss y/n, after you are discharged, you have 2 1/2 hours to pack up all your belongings and your plane leaves at 4 p.m. Arrival time will be around 7 p.m and your new family will pick you up. Have a lovely day and hope you feel better." Thank you so MUCH sir! Have a good day too!"I couldn't wait! In less than 48 hours I will be living a new life with a new slate.

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