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On our way back home from school, Ollie was walking next to me while Johnny and Pony were a few feet ahead of us.

"SO! Isabella, tell me more about yourself and your family." she sparked up a conversation.

"Well," I debated on telling her about my real, abusive family, or my true, loving cousins and friends I consider family. "I have addict parents who are in Virginia right now, got separated from them because they were abusive, and now I live with my cousins." I explained.

"Oh, wow. I'm sorry I didn-"

"It's fine, I don't really mind. So... tell me more about you!"

"Well I have 2 parents, a step dad, step siblings, and my dog. My parents got divorced a couple years back and my dad took it real bad. Haven't seen him in a while," she chuckled. "But Gary, my step dad, is more of the father figure in my life. I have older step siblings in college, so I haven't really seen them in a while, only on holidays and breaks.


"Families are the best aren't they!" I sarcastically chuckled. She nodded in agreement and laughed along. 

"LAST ONE TO THE HOUSE DOESN'T GET A SLICE OF CAKE!" Pony hollered. Ollie and I looked at each other then sprinted to my house. Pony was already ahead of us since he did track, but Johnny was eating our dust. We reached the porch and tried to regain our breath.

"Johnny no cake for you!" Pony teased.

"Eh, I'll just steal some of Two's or Steve's." he replied as all of us walked into our house.

"Hey guys!" Johnny, Pony, and I said. Ollie was just observing the 4 guys in front of her. They seemed to intimidate her, so I tried to make her more comfortable.

"Guys this is my new best friend, Olivia, but we call her Ollie!" I beamed as I introduced her to the gang."

"HI!" multiple voices spoke.

"Hi, I'm Darry, the oldest one here, welcome to our house!"

"Thanks for having me she smiled!"

"So the mickey mouse shirt dude is Two-Bit, the guy shoving cake down his throat is Steve, Soda right there is my other cousin, and you already met Darry." I pointed each of the guys out.

"Nice to meet you all!"

After an hour or so, Darry and I prepared the table while he added a few things to dinner. He was making mashed potatoes, asparagus, chicken, and of course a chocolate cake. He called the rest of the gang and Ollie into the dining room, and we ate the delicious meal. About 20 minutes after starting dinner, we heard the door slam shut. I worried for a second thinking an intruder came into our house, but soon realized that it could have been Dally.

"Hey guys!" a raspy New York accent said. My head shot up fast that my vision was a bit blurry for a second.

"Dally you're back!" Johnny exclaimed. 

"Yeah, went to visit a few friends for a while and got back maybe a couple hours ago." he explained as he sat down next to Ollie, who was sitting next to me.

"Hey I know you! You were at Bucks right!?" he questioned once he saw her face.

"Yup that's me! We meet once again Dallas!"

"You can call me Dal," he looked at her and she blushed.

Dinner continued and Dally hasn't said a word to me yet. Did he still not remember me? Was he faking it or did he just not care about my feelings?

Everybody resumed their conversations after Dally sat down to eat with us, but Ollie and Dally were talking A LOT. Most of the time Dally was flirting with her and then Ollie would look down and blush. It was like everybody forgot that I was there and that I even existed!

"Hey umm.." Dally looked at me, "Lizzy?" 'oh my god'  he really didn't remember me. He couldn't even get my name right!

"It's Isabella," I corrected him.

"My bad, um Isabella, can you pass me the gravy?" I mentally rolled my eyes and cried inside. I passed him the sauce and he thanked me. He resumed his talking with Ollie and they went to talk to each other outside on the porch, alone. Once they finished talking, Ollie came back inside with the biggest smile on her face and Dal had a big grin. I knew what happened.

"Isabella! You won't believe what just happened! DALLY JUST ASKED ME OUT!" she silently screamed. I put on a fake smile and congratulated her. She was so excited, but I excused myself to the bathroom. I felt like I was going to explode out of anger and sadness. My crush, or whatever you call it for a friend to have strong emotions for another friend, just asked out one of my friends. Suddenly, a knock on the door erupted from the other side.

"Hey, Isabella? You o.k?" he asked. I opened the door and saw Dally leaning on the frame.

"Oh hey um.. yeah I'm fine." I replied harshly and coldly. 

"So uh... I heard that you were one of my friends right? Like one of my best friends?" he asked and I shook my head yes.

"So if we are friends, then we tell each other the truth right?" he asked and I nodded my head again.

"Well then, you should tell me what's wrong."

I really wanted to tell him that I liked him. I should be the one he's taking for a date. I just couldn't. I didn't want to interfere the happiness that sparked between them.

"You wouldn't understand." I replied trying to walk past him. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"Try me." he smirked. 

At that moment I punched him straight in the jaw. He stumbled backwards and looked at me with pure anger in his eyes.

"What the fuck!" he yelled.

"I said leave me alone!" 

" I was trying to be nice and jog my memory of you!" he yelled back. My heart was breaking.

"I don't want your pity right now! I'm going through some tough shit!" I forgot the whole gang was in the other room probably hearing us scream at each other.

"Go fuck a broad or drink somewhere else!" I whispered under my breath but I think he heard me.

"God! How could I have ever been friends with a bitch like you!"


i don't hate you...

it's better off

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