Phone Call

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Life so far has been going well, J.C and I have been doing good, but Dal got locked up in the cooler a month ago. It has been 2 months since my first date with J.C, and I have been really happy. School was going to start in less than one month, and I was looking forward for it. I'm not a nerd, but I just like going to learn some subjects, but it is mainly so I can graduate and get a diploma. Getting my diploma was the ticket for going to a college. Community or unicersity, that was my goal ever since I was little. I remember Sods telling me that he dropped out and Darry graduated but didn't got to college. So, Pony, Johnny, and Two (occasionally Dally, but once in a blue moon) go to school. At least I knew I would have my friends and boyfriend there.

"Hey Isa!" J.C shouted. I was working the D.X until my boyfriend pulled up.

"Hey! Come to get gas or bother me?" I joked.

"Both?" he shrugged. I giggled and gave him a kiss. Steve and Sods noticed J.C and gave him a quick nod before going back to the garage. They liked how J.C has been treating me, but don't like that he's friends with Bob Sheldon and is a Soc. Bob beat up Johnny a couple of days ago, but J.C apologized for his friends actions. Johnny accepted J.C's apology, but he was still shocked and frightened easily.

"Isa me and you at the Dingo 7 o'clock"

"Hmmm.. Sure! I get off in maybe an hour, and then I'll change at my house."

"Ok bye!" he kissed my cheek and drove off.

"LOOK AT THE GIRLY ALL BLUSHING!" Steve hollered. I smacked his shoulder with my DX cap. They laughed at my embarrassing state and went back to work.

15 Minutes til Date Time

I was getting ready for my date when the line started to ring.

"Curtis Residence this is Isabella," I answered

"Hey Isa! Its Dal you wanna hangout later? Just got out today and I wanna do something fun!"

I rested my hand on my forehead and replied, "Oh Dal shoot I have a date today. Im sorry ummm I can talk on the phone with you while ummm-" I tried coming up with ideas to talk to Dally but he cut me off

"It's fine. I guess I'll talk to ya for now. Shoot your questions."

"Ok, whyd you go the the slammer?"

"Pass, where ya going for your date?''

"I don't know I think just the Dingo and maybe the movies?"

"Cool, alright my turn. Hmmmm. Did you do it with him yet?" he laughed but it came out weirdly and forced.

"OMG DAL! YOU CANT JUST ASK THAT! AND FOR YOUR INFORMATION NO I DID NOT!" I shouted into the phone but inside, I felt really embarrassed. I was a virgin and only my cousins knew that.

"Sorry," he chuckled, " good to know you still have your V Card."

"Dal.." I mumbled

"Ok sorry, sorry." he chuckled but tried to hide it from me.

"Dallas I'm gonna go now."

"WAIT, Isabella, I'm sorry I really am!" he yelled and I put the phone back to my ear


"Alright Im sorry that I made the beautiful, sweet, kind, smart girl upset and I apologize for mh actions." he stated. Some of it sounded fake but I knew that he was genuine with it.

"Ok Dally."

"Alright, I'll ask you a better and more appropriate question. Do you love him?"

I froze, "I uh- I don't know. I mean he's nice but, I don't know we've only been dating a month and a half so.." I wondered if I really did love him. I mean he is a good boyfriend and all, but did I really love him? Maybe he was a distraction? If that then who?

"Hey Bells you still there?"

"Huh- oh yeah! Hey Dal I gotta tell you something-" *KNOCK KNOCK*

"Umm nevermind J.C is here, bye Dal see ya tommorow!"

"Ok bye"

I answered the door and saw him holding a daisy for me. I gave him a huge smile and a kiss.

"DARRY IM LEAVING ILL BE HOME BEFORE CURFEW! LOVE YA BYE!" I shouted while walking out the door with his arm drapped over my shoulders.

"How was your day bugs?'' he asked. He calls me bugs because on one of our dates a bug fell into my food and I screamed. He laughed at me and I later joined in, so that's how that nickname started.

"It was boring until you came and bugged me at work. And then Dal called me and told me he got out the cooler."

"Oh good for him!"

We walked into the diner, and we waited for a table by the window. Once seated, I ordered french fries, chicken tenders and a milkshake for J.C and I to share. He ordered a burger and fries and a Coke. We ate, laughed at our jokes, and payed the bill. He took me into the car and drove to a hill. The hill was more in the middle class and the sunset was happening right now.

"Oh my god! BUGS! This is so cute!'' I squealed and cuddled into his side. He gave me a tiny little peck and moved his hand onto my cheek. I brought my hands around his neck to play with his curly, soft hair and pulled him closer to me. He moved to my neck and found my sweet spot. I moaned cery quitely as he continued to suck on it, forming a hickey. I brought his face back to mine. I parted my lips for him allowing access to enter and his tounge slipped in. We both moaned, "Dally'' and "Brie". We pulled apart from each other slowly, looking in each others eyes.

"We're not really in love with each other aren't we?" I nodded my head yes

"We're in love with different people," I said looking down at my lap.

"Hey, at least we know we weren't meant for each other or caused a catastrophe" he joked at the end. I giggled a bit and relocking my eyes with his.

"Can we still be friends?" I asked.

"Of course we can! I ain't gonna hate you. You can be my new girl bff!'' He always knows how to make me smile or laugh.

"Ok! J.C I am officially breaking up with you!" I stated with a fake serious face and my hands on my hips. He laughed at my comment and mocked me.

"I'll take you home and you can always call me if you need anything."

We arrived at my house, and I gave him a big hug as he left and drove off to the other side of town.

"Hey guys!'' I said as I plopped on the couch.

All the boys' faces were shocked facing the door.

"Umm hello!? I got news for you guys!" I replied waving my arm around. I looked around and saw thaf Dally was missing. I turned around and stopped my tracks...

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