Date Night

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Today was my date with J.C!!!! I'm so exited! Last year I got my first boyfriend, but we ended things mutually. So, this was my first date in a really long time. I woke up and headed straight to the shower. I bathed myself in numerous amounts of body soap and exfoliated my skin with a scrub. To top it off I did a hair mask and shaved. I got out and by then its like 11 a.m, so I'll brush and brush and brush and brush my hair (tangled song). I put on my ocean light blue dress that fit me well, but it was a little flowy at the end of the dress. It stopped at my thighs and I paired it with some Mary Janes. I added some accessories and wore a black jean jacket. After grtting ready, my hair dried, so I curled it and made some bouncy waves. I checked the time and it was noon. I decided that I would do my makeup an hour prior before I left. I made my way downstairs and saw all the guys eating breakfast at the table or on the couch. Everyone stopped what they were doing and admired me. Two was the one who broke the silence.

"Wow mammaz you look good today!"

"Thank Two!" I giggled.

Everybody started agreeing and complementing me, but Dally never spoke, he just watched me twirl and model for them. I could feel his brown, mischievous eyes burning into me, so I asked him a question.

"What do you think, Mr. Winston?"

"I think you look good, but you must be really desperate dressing up like that!" he sneered

I was shocked at his answer and wanted to cry. Why would he say that? Suddenly Soda and Johnny pushed him outside the door to talk with him. Tears reached my eyes and everybody inside the house noticed.

"Hey Isabella, you look gorgeous. No stunning!" Pony remarked

I laughed at his comment and hugged him.

"Yeah don't mind ol' Dal. He's just jelaous he can't pull a girl like you." Darry sassed.

I laughed once more and Darry joined my hug with Pony. Two and Steve felt left out, so they joined too.

Soda's Pov

After Dally made a comment about Isa, I pushed him outside, and Johnny followed. I pushed him again and he stubled against the fence.

"Why are you saying that to my cousin!" I shouted. Nobody should make a girl feel insecure, especially if it's someone I love.

" I just answered her question honestly!" he defended.

I was about to swing at him but Johnny spoke.

"Dal, you care for her. If you care for her, whyd you bring her down. She was really happy." Johnny spoke in a low voice. Dal tensed up and started stuttering.

"i-I do I mean I j-Just... Alright I like her! Man, I think I might be in love! She's going out with a Soc and AGH! I can't man I can't!" Johnny and I exchanged wide eyed looks, shocked at the news we were hearing.

"Y-you like her?" I questioned.

"Yes. Yes I do! I mean she's perfect! It makes me upset that I'm not the one who gets to take her out while she looks amazing tonight! Hell she looks amazing everyday! I said that to her because I felt insecure and weird. Ok? I didn't mean it. Tell her I said I'm sorry alright man? If any of this information come out of your mouths, Im skinna ya." he yelled and strutted down the street, probably looking for a fight to cool down.

Johnny and I walked back inside and everybody was hugging Isabella. I felt bad for Dal. He never fell in love. That's not him. He's tough, cruel, mean, and the definition of a J.D. Dal deserves a chance at love, but if he's going to be a dick towards my cousin he's not going to get it.

"Hey Isa? Dal apologized for his words."

"Oh ok. I'm going to go eat and finish getting ready. " I nodded and she went off. Johnny and I were the only ones who new about Dally's secret.

Isabella's Pov

It was around 6 o'clock when I did my makeup and waited downstairs for my date. Dal never came back which kinda hurt but I was glad. I didn't want him to mess up my date tonight. The doorbell rang and Darry answered it. J.C was wearing a dark blue polo with khaki pants. In his hand held a small boquet of flowers. I smiled and rushed to the door.


"Hi! Are yoy ready to go?" I nodded but Darry whistled.

"Uh uh missy. J.C come in. I'd like to get to know you better." J.C looked at me concerned but put on a fake smile for him. Darry brought him to the kitchen table while I leaned against the frame listening to their conversation.

"How old are you?"

"17 sir. My birthday was a month ago."

"Are you guys going to be drinking tonight?" J.C shook his head.

"Alright, so you're a Soc?" I face palmed myself but J.C answered.

"Yes, but I don't like labels. Just because our economic values are different,  doesn't mean we have to fight each other about it. I mean us "socs" deal with hard timd, and I bet you guys do too." I smiled at J.C and Darry nodddd in approval.

"I want my cousin back here at 11 p.m and I dont want her stumbling back into the house."

"Sure can do sir!"

The date:

J.C took me to the Nightly Double, paid for our snacks and food, and went back to his car. The theater was playing some adventure movie and I wasn't really interested. Luckily J.C wasn't either so we were talking the whole night. I leaned that he doesn't drink because his parents do and he doesn't want to end up like them. We bonded over having shitty parents and had a blast. We ran out of our drinks, so he got up ans went to pay for refills. I was sitting in the car when a red truck pulls up next to us. I looked over and I saw Dally. His windows were down and unfortunately ours were too. He noticed me and goofily waved, but I could tell he was drunk.

"Hey Isabella" he slurred

"Hi Dallas." I said coldly.

'What no 'hey dal'?" he pouted

"Winston go home. Your drunk and ruining my date." I stated

"C'mon doll, leave the bum and we'll hang out at the Curtis'."

"Dallas. Please go home. Drive carefully, but please just go." I crossed my arms.

He pushed his hands back onto the wheel and left. Right then my date came back with our drinks. We enjoyed the rest of our night and he was driving me home. Once we arrived, we both leaned in and kissed eachother. It was sweet and delicate. Hs accidently bumped into the wheel which made the horn beep. I jumped but we both laughed it off. He walked me up to the porch and gave me one final kiss.

"Call me" he winked

"Alright goodnight!" I shouted. He waved and drove off into the distance.

I walked in the house, tossed my bag on the chair, and sunk into the couch.

"Im guessing it went good?" Steve questioned.

"As a matter of fact, it went great!" I smiled. I kissed each and every one of the boys goodnight and headed towards my room. I walked in and was suprised at my sight. Dal was sprawled out on my bed, cuddling with one of my pillows. He was shirtless and only had on sweats and the other pieces of clothes neatly folded near my closet. I decided to get ready for bed and clean myself up. After my nightly routine, I scooted Dal to one side of the bed and layed comfortably on my bed. I dremt about my next date with J.C, but couldnt take my mind off the fact that Dal was snooring peacefully right next to me...

a/n dally crashing her date is from tsitp (belly and cam)

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