' Regular day at Brooklyn High '

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Cody Anderson and Noah Sterecra. Opposites in every way. What an interesting pair. An introvert and an extrovert.
While Cody enjoys cats, karaoke, and socializing. Noah is completely different. He enjoys dogs, reading books, and sleeping.
Noah has a full house with 4 Siblings, while Cody is an only child. Both wish they could switch.
Cody may be smart but.. Noah is always better. Better grades, better personality, better EVERYTHING. He's perfect. Cody hates that about him.

Cody is decent, but yet again, Noah is better. He always has nice clothing and he has everything cody DREAMS he could have. Cody couldn't even pull gwen, but Noah has girls flocking to him. Little does Anderson know, Noah isn't looking at the girls.

Being the student president and all, Noah has gained quite the reputation. So to add a bonus, he's popular, smart, and handsome. Wait- handsome? Anyways. Noah is funny too, People can't tell if he's joking, or if he is just really rude.

These differences have made quite the barrier between the two. Some people recall them being friends in middle school, but now these enemies are now known to be what we know today. Everyone knows that Noah Sterecra and Cody Anderson are rivals, Can something change? Wanna find out?? Keep reading and see what happens next.



' damn alarm.... ' i mumble.


I tried to fall back asleep but something started smacking the hell out of my face.


I was finally forced to open my eyes and... DAMMIT MARSHMALLOW!

'ugh.... what's your problem mallow?' I groan and rub where she hit my face. She meows in response while licking her paw, so annoying! I'm forced to get up.

I yawn and check the time, 6:15 am. I hurry up and take a quick shower, now I have to decide what I wanna wear now.. I just throw on some random baggy thrifted jeans my cousin gave me, and a casual t shirt with a random design on it. Wow, I really need better style.. I sigh to myself and go downstairs.

'morning hun!' my mom says cheerfully, wow.. she's in a good mood today. Oh wait, she always is.

'morning mom...' I say rubbing my eyes, why does school start at 7 in the morning??

'want some pancakes? I made your favorite!'

my mood immediately changes and I get excited 'YES PLEASE!' i realized I said that a little to loud.. she sets a plate of chocolate pancakes with whip cream on them right in front of my face. I couldn't help but take a bite and im glad I did, these taste AMAZING!

'don't choke now cody!' My mom says laughing while I stuff my face with pancakes. I mean, if anything with sugar is in front of me, I can't control myself.

anyways, after eating I grab my bag and before I can run out my mom stops me.
'where's my goodbye kiss??'

I groaned.. im not 8 anymore why do I still have to do this?! She kisses me on my cheek and hugs me tightly.
'sorry, I just love you so much! have a good day and get good grades mkay?'

'okay, bye!'

Sometimes my mom is just too much to handle. But she's really strong for being able to raise me by herself.

° Time skip - Cody arrives at his high school, Brooklyn High. °

I made it to my school, I always walk cuz im like, only a few blocks away. I walk to my locker and see my best friend, Tyler. He looks confused, I wonder what he's doing?

enemies to..  enemies with benefits. ~ noco :3Where stories live. Discover now