' fate isnt on our sides '

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After going through hell in math, I finally make it to social studies. I think the social studies teacher is pretty chill.
Well, at least i thought.

It was all going well until our teacher announced a group project.

'Alright class, i want you guys to start a project on everything we've learned on unit 6! This time I'll let you guys work with a partner! But only one!' Everyone cheers, ...except me.

Well , it can't be that bad.. I thought to myself.
I can just make an excuse to work by myself.

'Alright everyone, go ahead and pick your partners!' My teacher exclaims and almost immediately, everyone goes around the room looking for their friends. See, i WOULD go and partner up with owen, Izzy, or eva.. but i had none of them this period.
i like being alone anyways.

i stay in my seat until everyone gets their partners. That's when the teacher walks up to me.

'hey, you alright? Where's your partner?' She asks me worriedly.

'I'm fine, i usually work alone.' I assure her.

'Oh! Wait i can get you a partner!'

'No it's fine, really..'

'Cody you can work with Noah over here.' I hear her say. I look up. Did i hear that right?

Yes, i did. Cody walked over and sat next to me.

I guess fate isn't on my side today.

I can't believe this is happening right now.

First, he gets sat next to me in math.
Then, he catches me at my damn job.
And finally, we are partners for a project that will take like, 3 weeks to finish.

We stare at each other for what.. like an entire minute?

'So...' i say awkwardly trying to start something.

'I hope you know, im not doing all the work.' He says blandly.

'Hey! What's that supposed to mean? I do work!'

'I'm not talking about the title slide.'

'Yeah, me neither.' I cross my arms.

'whatever.' he rolls his eyes.

'We aren't gonna get any work done if we are bickering this entire time.' I say trying to sound reasonable.

He groans in annoyance.

'Also, seeing as we have to get through over 80 slides in 2 weeks, we are gonna have to work after school too.' I say, I realize that just made this worse.. but it was too late now!

'Holy shit only 2 weeks?!' He says in disbelief.

'What's the problem? 2 weeks is a lot of time, especially since we work after school!' However, my efforts to calm him down didn't work.

'it's enough bullshit that I have to work with you! Now I have to babysit my siblings AND work on this dumbass project!' he yells at me like it's my fault..

'Well, Shit...' i let out a sigh in defeat.
That's when i had a great idea!

'Wait! I have an idea!' I exclaim happily.

'...it better not be dumb.' he says unimpressed.

'okay, well basically since we HAVE to work on it after school, and you HAVE to babysit...maybe i could come over your house and help you babysit and get it done at the same time!' i say smartly, honestly that's the best idea I've had in a while.

'no.' He says sternly , almost like he had no second thoughts about it.

'But why? It will help us get our work done!!' I complain.

'how will you coming over help us getting work done?' He says, still not impressed with my very, very intelligent idea.

'Well, babysitting siblings can't be that bad! If we can just go on rotation, like i work on the project, you babysit for a while, and then flip!'

'You don't even have siblings to babysit! You wouldn't know what it's like! It's hell!' he says, arguing back.

'Just trust me! I've known your siblings since they were first born! I can handle them!' I assure him.

'Can you handle them NOW though? Because now they think they are grown and never listen to me.' he says in a more sassy tone.

'Ummmmm, probably.' I reply.

'No way! I'm not doing that. It's a dumb idea.' He says crossing his arms.

'Well do you have a better idea?' I point at him and he thinks.

'No, but we aren't doing that one!'

'You have to atleast think about it! Or else you better find a way to get this done in 2 weeks!' I rip a small piece of paper out of my notebook and write down my phone number on it.

'Text me if you change your mind.' I slide it to him, grinning.

'I'll pass.' He slides it back to me.

'Just take it!' I slide it to him again.

He grabs it and stuffs it in his pocket rather rudely. But at least I know we will have some type of way we will get this done.

Hey my adoring few viewers! Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Word count: 810

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