' burden '

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I slowly open my eyes and realize I'm in a hospital bed.

'ugh, I want candy..ouch..' I say, grimacing in pain due to my headache.

'at least I know your not dead.' I hear a voice say. I jumped for a second, until I realize noah is sitting in a chair with a book in his hands next to me.

'Oh, hi...' I say startled. 'How long have I been here?'

'About 5 hours.'

'5 hours?!' I panic. 'My mom's probably freaking her head off!!'

'don't freak your head off, geek. I'm sure they contacted her already.' he says in a sarcastic tone.

'have you been here that entire time?' I ask.



'how many questions are you gonna ask?' he rolls his eyes.

'Sorry..' I fiddle with my hands a bit.

'How do you feel?' He asks, getting up and feeling my head.

'Fine I guess.. my body and head hurts though.'

'Really? Because last time you told me you were fine you went unconscious.' he says, laughing a bit.

'Yes.' I say, swatting his hand away from my face. 'Why-..Why did you help me?'

'I dunno.'

'Don't you hate me?' I recall, confused.

'I don't wish the people I hate to get beat to death...or, let me re-word that.. i don't wish my enemies death.. most of them.' he says.

'so you do hate me still?' I frown a bit.

'If I hated you I would've let you get beat to death.' i grin at his response.

'So are we friends?' I ask excitedly,

'Why of course! You'll be my bff and we will do everything together! Not.' He says, 'I did you a favor, that doesn't mean we are friends.'

'Then what are we?!' I exclaim.

...No reply.

'...how about frenemies?' I break the silence with a question again.

'Ew, no. I hate that word.' he says annoyed.

'Oh, please! You act like you don't wanna be my friend so bad!'

'Ugh, get over yourself, Cody.' He rolls his eyes for what seemed like the 100th time.

'ouch..' I say sadly, his demeanor changes quickly.

'Are you okay?' He asks me worriedly.

'No... you hurt my feelings..' I say dramatically.

'Idiot! I thought you were actually hurting!'

'I am!! Internally..' I hold my chest.

'Why do you wanna be my friend so bad?'

'Because! I don't like having rivals, it makes things harder for me! If you can't tell I ended up in the hospital because someone didn't like me!' He looks at me unimpressed.

'And.. I like you as a person. You're a nice guy noah.' I add calmly.

he looks to the side a bit, 'Thanks?' he replies.


'Nope.' He smiles a bit and sits back down.

'whatever...can you please go get me those little green jello thingies from the cafeteria?' I ask him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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