' life-saver '

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Alright, so I have good news and bad news. The good news? ; Life has been treating me well lately.
For example, I'm actually passing all my classes, and me and Noah have been getting a lot of work done on our project. In total, we got 32 slides done, and it's only been a week!

Speaking of Noah, we haven't argued at all the past few days. If anything, it's almost like we are friends.
Not the buddy-buddy friends, more like a 'I hate you' friends, is that a thing or am I just being delusional?

Anyways, remember when I said life was treating me well? Well here's the bad news.
I was totally wrong about the good news.

It all started on a Friday morning, when I was just talking to Tyler like usual.

'Dude, be honest. Is it gay to sleep with another guy?' He asked.

'Umm...' i say awkwardly, the realization hit me and I looked back at him. 'Tyler... listen to me very carefully.. did you have sex with Alejandro..?' I ask worriedly.

'Wha-NO!! Like.. it's not what you think. Like same bed!' He says hastily.

'Oh!.. umm well kinda.. did you guys like.. cuddle.. or something?' I replied.

'Okay well, hypothetically.. if I did but I had socks on.. would that-' I shush him as I look at the door.

As it opens, everyone in the hallway vicinity of the double doors gasps in surprise.

And I did too, but not in surprise, but in fear. because Duncan walked through those double doors like he was the shit.

And I know you're probably wondering, "Cody, why the hell are you so scared of a hammer head shark looking motherfucker?" Well even though he doesn't have the looks, or brains, for that matter. He definitely has the brawns.

And he's not jacked-jacked, and I consider myself quite strong actually. But compared to him, im a fucking twig!

Most of the guys went over and dapped him up, but me? No, I immediately went across the hall to my locker so I could hurry and grab my things.

My mind was racing like crazy, I almost had a panic attack. All my thoughts were bouncing around my brain.

"How the hell is he back? Didn't he get expelled?"

"Why the hell do people like him? He's a jerk and fights almost everyone!!"

Thoughts like these is what made me go even faster to grab my things.

Almost immediately, I ran into my classroom room and acted like everything was okay, after all. He's not in my class, he can't hurt me, right?



10:38 AM,

I had just finished using the bathroom, and I went to go grab my pen from my locker before I went back to class, however. Someone also had the same plan.

I went over and opened my locker, i got on my knees to grab my backpack and unzipped it, scavenging around for my missing pen.

'Look what we have here!' I heard Duncan exclaim behind me.

My heart immediately sank and I slowly turned around. Still on my knees and at this point he's looking down at me like im some kind of pawn.

'What do you want..' i said, my voice shaky, even though i was trying to act as tough as possible, I knew this would be the end of me.

'Well, that's not a nice way to treat an old pal now is it?' He plastered a fake smile.

'Listen, i haven't done anything to you, so just leave me the hell alo-' I replied angrily before getting cut off with him pulling me up by my collar and slamming me onto the locker.

enemies to..  enemies with benefits. ~ noco :3Where stories live. Discover now