' akward encounter '

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continuing from last chapter ^_^
Lindsay dragged me through a couple of stores and try on sections until she found this random store, and picked an outfit that she said 'suits me' . And I'll be honest, though she isn't that smart, she has some good damn fashion sense. The clothes actually look great on me. Well, I think.
'At least now you look decent.' Heather says as she crosses her arms and looks me up and down.
'I know right?' I start posing like a fashion model, She laughs and flicks me on the forehead. Ouch :(..
After buying me a few WARDROBES, we went through the mall some more and she bought me even MORE clothes. She made Tyler carry all the bags and he looked like he was gonna drop DEAD, but he acted like everything was fine. Poor Tyler..

When we were done lindsay gave me her number and told me to call her when I need things like this again, or just to hang. Tyler helped me with the bags until I get to my house, and we started to part our separate ways, lindsay holds heathers hand as they walk the opposite direction from me and tyler, I'm surprised heather even let her do that! Sometimes I can't tell if they are dating or just really good friends.

Me and Tyler chat for a bit about the homework, and he starts to walk to his house, not without slipping on a damn banana peel that came out of nowhere though, this isn't mario cart wtf? I think the world hates him, He can never catch a break. He got back up and kept walking like nothing happened..

When I got home I unlocked the front door , my mom isn't home... must be a late night shift. I plop down on the couch and my cat, marshmallow comes to lay next to me, i cut on the tv and switch through the channels.. i cut on cartoon network and get comfortable, I'll be here for a while.

I end up dozing off scrolling on tiktok.

5:02 AM
'Cody! Cody hun get up! Time for work!' I hear my mom yell my name. Even though she's right next to me, since the kitchen is RIGHT next to the living room, but I'm getting side tracked.

'ugh.. no mommmmm..' I groan to her..do I have to? can't i take off work?

'get your ass up cody! I gotta go to work too!'

i sigh and get up, unwillingly. I run upstairs and think about taking a shower.. i check the time.
yea nope. I hurry and get my work clothes on, fix my hair, and run back down the stairs. My mom motions me to come to the car and I walk to the passengers seat.

I get in the car, and close the door behind me. she pulls out of the driveway and drives me to work, mines closer to the house anyways, I could walk but she insists since she has to go to work too.

she cuts on a rihanna playlist and sings along to them until we get to my job, i sing along to some too trying to stay awake.

'we're here codester!' she bumps me with her elbow.

Chick-fil-a... I wince in cringe even saying that name.. I know they suck, but it's the closest job to my house and the only one I can actually walk to.. but that also gives me a disadvantage. Because I live next to my school, giving a chance that people from school might see me, and know I'm working here..

I get out the car, and turn around to my mom, giving her a wave before walking off, well.. running. I don't want anyone to see me.

I open the door, greeted by sierra.

'hi cody!' she waves excitedly, like she's been waiting for me. But, not in a creepy way.

in middle school, sierra had a big crush on me, and was really obsessed with me, even to the point where it went to stalking. I told her how I didn't like her, but she always brushed it off. ever since high school started, she confessed to me that she has realized how wrong she was in middle school. And she said that she wanted to start over, as friends this time. I accepted, and me and her have been pretty close. Plus, it's pretty nice to have a work friend.

enemies to..  enemies with benefits. ~ noco :3Where stories live. Discover now