' something just happened. '

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° Time Skip - After school detention

Noah got us in detention. I know I'm the one who attacked him, but that's his fault for talking about my teeth.

I didn't hit him that much, he has a few scratches but that's it. Not like I care. I would have beat him more if the teacher didn't tell us to go.

He's reading a book... Twilight? Are you serious?.... Im team edward.

'Watcha reading?' I ask without thinking. Maybe I can be nicer and he won't bother me anymore.

'Go away.' he says coldly, i sigh, this is gonna be harder than I thought.

'Don't be like that. Why do you hate me so muchhh?' I ask him, hopefully I get a reasonable answer.

'Well first of all, you attacked me. And not even good either I barely have a scratch on me.' he rolls his eyes still reading his book. Ugh.

'Okay fine, im sorry for attacking you. That doesn't explain why you hated me before though.'

.... He ignored me..didn't even keep his eyes off his book.

'I'm trying to be nice! What's your problem?!' I say irritated. This guy doesn't even wanna TRY talking to me.

I need to come up with something to get his attention. I do what comes to my mind first and grab his book out of his hands and hold it up.

'give it back you damn jerk!'

'not until you tell me why!' I stick my tongue out. He's not getting this book until he tells me.

Instead of telling me, he stands up and easily grabs it from me. I forgot how tall he was, damn it. I look at him and I realize how close we are. I feel my face heating up. Why is my face heating up? He noticed too. He's blushing, probably from embarrassment. Why did I do that!

He takes the book and walks out of detention. I realized it was over so I walked out the opposite way, don't wanna make it even more awkward.

° Time skip - Noah is now home, thinking in his room. °
shit..shit..shit.. why the hell did I do that..

this can't be happening. I was just a little close to his face! It feels like my heart is beating out of my chest?! That has never happened to me before!

Do I have feelings for cody?
No.. that can't be it, I hate him. Stupid fucking cody.. I hate him so much! Do I? FUCK! why was he being so nice?
I decide to call Izzy.

'HELLO?! IM KINDA, ON THE RUN RN!' She yells as I hear sirens in the background.. why did I think she could help me??

'Is.. this a bad time?' I say confused, why is she even on the run?

'NOT AT ALL!-WHATS UP?' I can still hear the sirens and occasionally her gasping for air to run.
'Something just happened.' I say nervously. that's when it got silent on the phone, im kinda scared, did she die?

'okay.. what happened..?' She stopped at the 'okay' to gasp for air.

I explained to her what happened with me and cody and she started fangirling like crazy.

'OH MY GOD, I KNEW IT! ITS GONNA BE LIKE THOSE ENEMIES TO LOVER THINGIES!' she drags on the s with a squeal. I knew I shouldn't have told her.

' NO way! Me, Noah Sterecra, and Cody Anderson? I am WAY out of his league! Plus we are COMPLETE opposites!' I roll my eyes.

'Well... opposites attract am I right?' I can already sense her grinning through the phone. 'no, Izzy. They don't.'

'oh reeeallllly? explain me and eva then.' I stop and pause, she has a point.

enemies to..  enemies with benefits. ~ noco :3Where stories live. Discover now