' work-rivals '

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I lay in my bed, thinking.
specifically cody, and how he gave me his number.. I have Cody Andersons number.
I reach in my pocket and pull a crumbled piece of paper. what seems to be codys phone number is on the top, and on the bottom is a note. It reads:
if ur reading this you obviously changed ur mind ;)
I cringe at this, but still pull out my phone and put in the number.
I pause and think about what im gonna say, i finally decide to send a casual message.. but not before deleting about 50 of them first.

me: hey

annoying freak.: NOAH!? I KNEW YOU WOULD TEXT ME!

me: how did you even know it was me who texted you?

annoying freak.: no one else really texts me but tyler..

me: lol loser

annoying freak.: whatever dude 😒 you act like you have sooo much friends!

me: I do, dumbass.

annoying freak.: anyways, have you made up your mind and decided we do my very GOOD idea? :1

me: i guess, I couldn't think of any other ideas.

annoying freak.: OK! be there at 6 :3!!

I sit and read over the last text. Cody is coming over?
You mean the Cody Anderson that I hate?
Maybe I don't hate him like i say I do.
Maybe I like him a little.
Who am I kidding, I couldn't give a single fuck about Cody, even if I had one to spare.

I go downstairs, and into my little sisters room. Both of my youngest siblings, Amelia, who's 7, and also my other sister Hannah, who's 8.
Though my parents are honestly, very Indian. Since we ARE in America, they decided to give us very american names.
Anyways, I go into their room to tell them the news.

'Ugh! Get out noah we are playing barbies!' Hannah says annoyed and shoos me out.

'Yeah! Can't you see we are busy, dingus?' Amelia adds on.

'I'm just trying to tell you that cody is coming over and working on a project with me, so behave!'

'Cody? Who's Cody?' Amelia says confused.

'And Cody doesn't sound like a girl! So he can't play barbies! I don't want him to come over!' Hannah says stubbornly.

'Ughhhhh.. listen, I don't care if you don't want him to come over! I have to work with him on a project! So whether you like it or not, hes coming over soon!' I explain to them.

'I wish Sophia was here.' Hannah says sadly. Sophia was our oldest sibling, she moved 4 hours away to go to her college. So now im the oldest in the house.

'You act like she's dead, drama queen!' I say irritated and offended that she'd rather sophia be here to watch her.
I walk out of her room and go back upstairs, down the hallway and knocked on kalias room door.

'Whaaaatt?' She yells on the other side.

'Cody is coming over.'

'CODY?!' She swings open the door.

'That's what I just said isn't it?'

enemies to..  enemies with benefits. ~ noco :3Where stories live. Discover now