Back to Hogwarts

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"We are allowing you to go back to Hogwarts, but you will be under strict restrictions. Bartemius Crouch Jr. and Evan Rosier have been completely examined and checked for any illness; they are in perfect health. You will not be allowed to leave your dormitory for a week as you cannot risk getting sick again so soon, but you need to be moved back to Hogwarts. Crouch and Rosier will begin to bring you your coursework, and they will make sure you're properly fed," The doctor paused briefly, his eyes scanning across the papers in front of him. He quickly continued, "It is also extremely important that you stay on top of your treatments, and you will need to go to Madam Pomfrey if anything seems off as the antibiotics could possibly cause unforeseen problems now that you've stopped taking them. Immediately contact her with any and all problems or situations regarding your health." Regulus was silent as the doctor scanned his papers once more before nodding. "With that, I believe we are ready to begin packing up." Regulus felt his chest jolt at that. He has been stuck in this hospital room for almost a month by now, and guests were only allowed at most every three days while requiring brief check ups for each guest. Regulus had overall been extremely bored.

However, all of this free time has allowed for Regulus to think about his conversation with Remus about crushes, which hadn't been brought up again during any of Remus's visits afterward. Regulus can't find anyone that makes him feel as Remus had described; he had even thought through his feelings towards boys. That's something he never even thought about being possible for him before now. It wasn't that he thought he couldn't like boy, but he never thought about it before.

The more he thought about it the more he decided that he probably could have a crush on someone, but he had never had the time to actually develop those feelings. That comforted and scared Regulus at the same time. He believed that he can develop those feelings however he may not even have enough time to.

Barty and Evan's arms were locked around Regulus. "I've missed you so much, Reggie," Barty whispered. Evan nodded quickly against Regulus's shoulder.

Regulus leaned his head against his friends', and he whispered, "I've missed you idiots too." Evan and Barty's arms tightened even more. Regulus felt comforted by the added pressure. If any of them cried during that hug, that is for them and only them to know.

"And this is all the arithmancy work. I'll have to ask Lupin if you have any questions. He's the only one also taking that class," Evan dropped a stack of books and papers on Regulus's side table, among the five other stacks of coursework.

Barty mumbled from the doorway, "Nerds." Regulus lightly rolled his eyes. He stared in slight defeat at the mound of coursework he needed to get done during the next month. That wasn't even all of it; it's just the stuff the teachers thought was most important.

"I heard your brother asking Pomfrey about getting checked over, so he can stop by. That was a few hours ago as I was grabbing you some sleepless dreaming potions," Barty announced. Regulus looked away from his side table, and he stared at his friend in shock.

Regulus rushed out, "Really?" At Barty's nod, he continued, "Oh, I cant wait! No offense, babes, of course." Regulus gave Evan a wink when he looked up at Regulus. They all burst out in laughter; Evan's face had noticeably darkened though.

"So yeah, there's a possibility that more people may be able to stop by, Reg," Barty returned to the previous topic. Regulus nodded quickly with a wide smile.

"Oh yeah, before we leave," Barty paused as Evan was walking out the door. "Babe, start your treatments!" Barty gave Regulus a smile as Regulus darted up to find his watch. It was somewhere in his mess of sheets. When he found it, he flipped the watch over, and sure enough, it was time to start his treatments.

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