Stay And Live

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Regulus whipped around and he was shocked to see James with his wand still pointed in Snape's direction. His heart skipped a beat. "James?" Regulus asked. James didn't reply; he just walked past Regulus, going to Snape.

"Barty and Evan have told us all about your little taunts, Snivellus. You better back the fuck up if you know what's good for you," James threatened. Regulus was frozen. James looked furious but also hot at the same time?

"Wow, you even got Potter to come to your rescue. That's low, even for you Black," Snape spat out. Regulus watched as James didn't even hesitate to punch Snape. He heard an audible crack, and he watched as blood flowed from Snape's nose. Regulus watched as blood stained Snape's teeth as he smiled at James. It took another hit to the side of the head for James to get rid of that ugly look.

Snape was knocked out when Regulus could get himself to walk over to James. Regulus was still shocked at what happened, so he didn't think to stop James as he pulled Regulus into a hug. Regulus melted into it almost instantly. He felt safe, and suddenly, he never wanted to leave James's arms.

"You're okay," James whispered. Regulus wished James was right, but he won't be there when Regulus has to go back to the common room. Regulus said nothing to him though.

James slowly started leading Regulus away, and Regulus couldn't help but think about how James had looked as he stalked toward Snape to punch him. He replayed it over and over in his mind as James brought Regulus to the Gryffindor dormitory.

"Are you okay, Regulus?" James questioned quietly. He looked worried. Regulus quickly nodded; he couldn't help the way his eyes flickered down over James's lips. Merlin.

Regulus whispered, "I just want to see Sirius." He watched as James nodded before walking ever so slightly closer to Regulus. Regulus couldn't help the way his eyes flickered over to James. The more he thought about James the more and more Regulus realized just how attractive and sweet James always was. He thought about the way James gently stopped Regulus when he was fidgeting with his IV in the hospital, and he thought about the time James played with his hair during a particularly bad treatment while in the hospital. Regulus's breath caught in his throat as he realized what his thoughts meant. Thoughts that weren't new.

The second the dormitory door opened, Regulus practically ran in. He needed to find Remus; Remus would understand. "Woah, what happened?" James questioned. Regulus all but slammed into Remus when he walked out of the bathroom.

Regulus whispered, "I have a crush on James, Remus. I have a crush on him of all people," He felt Remus hold him tightly. Regulus wanted to cry.

"It's okay, Regulus. It's okay," Remus whispered. Regulus just clung to Remus. Remus who had a crush on Sirius. Remus who knew how Regulus felt. He knew the fear flooding his veins. 

"What happened?" James asked. Regulus curled into Remus.

"What do you mean?" Remus questioned, tugging Regulus closer. James made a confused sound.

James sounded worried as he said, "I mean, I thought he was fine on the walk here. Did something happen? Is he upset over the thing with Snape?" Regulus felt Remus tense. Regulus wanted to punch James in his stupidly attractive face.

"What 'thing with Snape'?" Remus asked with a sharp tone. Regulus felt anxiety fall over him. His chest began aching.

"Snape was making fun of me, and he handled it. Snape's been being an asshole to me for a while," Regulus explained before James could. He tried to protect James; he needed to. He watched Remus grimace.

"As we've heard. Now, how exactly did James choose to handle this situation?" It was at that moment that Regulus stupid brother decided to get back from wherever he had been.

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