Soteria crawled back to District 12 and her sister, losing blood on the way. She was barely breathing when she found her sister. Lucy Gray rushed to her "what happened?"

"Coryo," Soteria rushed out with blood dripping out her mouth and through her hands. "I'm sorry I didn't listen to you."

"Shhh," Lucy Gray spoke to her sister as the tears fell.

Soteria grasped her sister's hand with her bloody one "promise me that you will be happy. Promise me that you will never forget me. Promise me that you will end these horrific games."

Lucy Gray was really bawling at this point. "I promise," she managed to get out through her tears.

Soteria smiled and knew that her time was waning "take my fans and give them to your child. Pass them down along with my story. Don't let them win."

With that Soteria Baird took her last breath with her sister holding her hand. Lucy Gray screamed as she broke down in tears. She removed the fans from her sister's body and placed them in a box. She then found Sejanus's body and took Soteria's before burying them both side by side. 

As she stood in front of the graves of her lover and her sister she swore "I will never forget either of you. The future will know your names and your stories. Coriolanus Snow and the capital will pay for what they took from us." 


In the capital, Coriolanus Snow got dressed in his university clothes. His hair had grown back and he looked almost exactly like the monster he had chosen to follow. 

He walked down to the kitchen and saw Tigris sitting at the table. Before he could speak, his grandmother spoke "you look handsome." 

He nodded "thanks, grandma." He turned to Tigris "what do you think?" 

Tigris looked at him "I think you look just like your father, Coriolanus." Coriolanus would have flinched but he was too far gone to care and the only person who would have cared was Coryo and he was dead. 

He walked into Highbottom's classroom and listened to Highbottom explain that his father and he had created the games as an assignment but his father had stolen it from Highbottom who had wanted to destroy it. Coryo would have cared but Coriolanus didn't. 

Highbottom looked at him "was your little raven sad when you left twelve." 

Coriolanus sighed "I imagine it made us both sad." 

He nodded "my contacts informed me that she's disappeared. That the mayor might have killed her but there is no proof." Coriolanus tensed knowing there was a chance that she was still alive. "It's a mystery and mysteries have a way of driving people mad. Look at you heir to the Plinth fortune. Nothing standing in your way." 

Coriolanus stood up straighter and moved closer "snow lands on top." Coriolanus then walked out the door smirking knowing that Highbottom was going to drink that morphling that he poisoned. 

Coriolanus thought about what Highbottom said as he stared at the statue in the square. How mysteries haunt people. He knew that Soteria could still be alive. He wondered if he would ever find out for sure. He knew it would haunt him for the rest of his life.


Unbeknownst to Coriolanus Snow in District 12, Lucy Gray had given birth. Starting a line that would lead to the Mockingjay Nemesis Baird, the girl that would scare Coriolanus Snow and eventually kill him to end the games. 

Lucy Gray Baird had just given birth to the first step to Coriolanus Snow's karma and he had no clue. 

Author's Note: 

That is the end of Survivor. Soteria Baird has officially died, Coriolanus Snow is now a monster, and Nemesis is up next. 

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