As all of the districts lined up for the reaping the capital academy students sat together as they waited for the head game maker Dr. Gaul. Coriolanus was terrified of her not that he would admit it out loud.

Dr. Gaul walked into the room and up to the podium as Coryo sat next to Sejanus Plinth his best friend. Dr. Gaul was a tall black woman with white hair that looked like it had been electrocuted. She also had an affinity for being brutal and manipulative to everyone. Dr. Gaul looked out at the academy students "welcome to the 10th Hunger Games. This year we are doing something different, every tribute will have a mentor who will be one of the academy students."

Coriolanus looked at Sejanus who shrugged as Casca Highbottom spoke up "to get a scholarship your tribute must win the Hunger Games." Coriolanus looked at Sejanus who looked away from him. Casca continued "remember we are making them performers, not survivors, and may the odds be ever in your favor."

Coriolanus, Tigris, and Sejanus all scrunched their faces at that saying knowing that all of them hated it in some way shape, or form but stayed quiet. Coriolanus stayed silent as Casca called out the names of the students and the names of who their tributes would be. "The boy from two goes to... Sejanus Plinth."

Coriolanus smiled at his "the pick of the bunch right Sejanus?"

"Remember," Sejanus spoke softly to his friend. "I used to be them." Coriolanus noticed that he looked at the screen with thinly veiled disgust. Coriolanus felt the same. How could they send these children to die?

"And the girl Lucy Gray Baird from twelve goes to... Coriolanus Snow."

Coriolanus Snow looked down slightly as he noticed that he was getting the girl from twelve but as Highbottom finished his sentence they all heard a clear "I volunteer" from the screen. Coriolanus stared at the screen in complete disbelief as he watched a girl with long black hair walk calmly and confidently up to Lucy Gray whose name had been pulled.

Lucy Gray looked at the girl and spoke "sister no" as she shook her head.

The older girl stared down her sister and spoke in a stern voice "I'd rather it be me than you. Plus if these monsters want a show then I'll give them one for the ages." She then looked at a girl who had been snickering before drawing her hand back and punching her in the face knocking the girl to the floor.

Coriolanus shared a shocked look with Sejanus as the girl walked up to the stage with a poker face on not giving anything away. The girl grabbed a mic from the escort. "For all who don't know me and I'm looking at you capital, I am Soteria Baird. And as of now, you can kiss my ass with these barbaric games that only exist because of your wounded pride and ego. Here's a hint don't force people to do something that you wouldn't do otherwise people will start to call you a coward. And to the capital gamemakers, to the president, you can kiss my ass."

Everyone stared as she bowed staring down the camera before slowly standing up and flipping both middle fingers at the camera. Everyone watched stunned but Coriolanus slowly smirked knowing that his chances had just gotten a lot better.


Soteria had no time to think about what in the hell she had just done when she volunteered for her sister however she knew that she didn't regret it. She also knew that she had pissed off the capital with her little show and likely was going to make them gun for her. She fought the urge to smirk as she felt the two tessen war fans made of knives strapped to her arms under her sleeves. She volunteered not just to save her sister but also because she knew she had a chance to win.

She stood silent and stoic as she watched a boy named Jessup get chosen. After the reaping, Lucy Gray walked to her sister and hugged her "thank you Ria."

Soteria nodded while hugging her back "I have the better chance of winning anyway."

"Promise me Ria," Lucy Gray weeped into her older sister's body. "Promise me that you'll do your best to come back."

Soteria nodded and whispered "I promise" before her and Jessup were dragged onto a train car to go pick up the rest of the tributes on the way to the capital. As soon as she got into the car she made sure that the leather straps for her fans were secure not wanting to lose them or reveal she had them too soon.

Soteria Baird knew that the fans would be the reason that she won the games.

Survivor - Coriolanus Snow [1]Where stories live. Discover now