Chapter 1 Grizz's Solidarity Forthcoming

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Panda and Ice Bear took Grizz to one spot of the San Francisco forest after he put on his blindfold from home. They've been hiding the surprise from his brother for days, preventing him from anywhere in the forest especially San Francisco ever since they released all the bears from Agent Trout. A lot has changed since bears were fully accepted in society and it wasn't easy for them to set up the surprise for their brother.

"Are we almost there?" Grizz asked.

"Yes, just keep walking." Panda smiled.

"Still can't believe I haven't spent days in the forest."

"Trust us, it'll be worth it."

"Ice Bear doesn't mess with surprises." Ice Bear commented.

They made their way to their destination where a fire took place. In no time, Panda and Ice Bear stopped Grizz in place as Ice Bear untied the blindfold.

"SURPRISE!!!" Chloe, her parents, Darrell, his wife Sofia, Lucy, her brother and boyfriend Clifford and Kale, Ranger Tabes, The Poppy Rangers, Griff, Tom, Isaac, Amanda, Samantha, Kazumi, and Karla shouted, catching Grizz by surprise.

"Wow!" Grizz reacted.

"Happy Bear Solidarity Day!" Panda cheered as the bears, small and big, jumped out of the brushes. They walked up to Grizz and they roared softly, not loud to disturb him.

"Happy Bear Solidarity Day?"

"It's a holiday Panda and Ice Bear made back in San Francisco a week ago." Chloe smiled.

"They're celebrating the holiday over there, but it's way better doing it here." Ranger Tabes added.

Grizz teared up from the sight itself. His friends, brothers, and bears are celebrating a holiday they earned. "This is awesome!"

"You bet!" Griff and Kale replied.

Grizz and his brothers sat down next to the fireplace while the other bears sat next to the other humans. "I never thought we would get our very own holiday!"

"Believe me, it wasn't easy to make it a holiday." Panda giggled.

"It's a long story." Lucy replied.

"I'm still surprised you managed to get a holiday thanks to a heroic rescue." Karla commented. "I wasn't there when you three came back."

"Surprised you didn't see it on TV." Darrell turned to her. "Everyone saw it."

"I was out of the city."

"Ohh, that's right." Grizz remembered. "You took a trip to Los Angeles for a week."

"It was the closest place I could take a vacation."

This gave Grizz a thought when it came to him and his brothers escaping even if it was anything but a vacation. "If you had to escape a corrupt government agent, you would probably have to go far away from California." Sofia added.

"The bears did tell me their story and about Agent Trout, it's just it was my first vacation in almost a decade."

"Not that we blame you, it's Trout we've been worrying about." Panda replied.

The bear cubs hid behind Amanda's leg in fear, still remembering how intimidating Agent Trout was. The panda girl picked one of them up, hugging to give it comfort from fear. "We all have a lot to think about but all that matters is that he's arrested and he's not gonna be released from jail anytime soon." She nuzzled on the cub.

"I still can't believe you almost went to Canada." Clifford replied. "Even if it wasn't by choice."

Grizz did tell them why they couldn't go to Canada, but he didn't plan out what their new life would've been. He wasn't sure if they were safe, but in the current duration, he and his brothers were far from harm. "I only glorified the idea of going to Canada with my brothers. But we never stepped foot in the land because we did not have passports."

"Ice Bear never experienced Royal Canadian Mounted Police." Ice Bear commented.

"Not to mention there's more bears there from what I saw online." Chloe replied.

This gave Karla a thought, knowing how Canada has a variety of bears in the high north. She sat by the bears, taking them by notice. "Do you want to go to Canada?" She asked. "Even after everything that happened?"

Grizz and his brothers looked at the bears all wanting to know their answer. "If we had passports..." Soon everyone paid attention to Grizz. "...we still don't know what life is like there."

"Life in Canada looks good from the outside." Diaz replied. "On the inside..."

"It's a wonderful world to explore." Murphy added.

The Poppy Rangers loved the idea of going to Canada, but Ranger Tabes still feels unsure. "It is but do you know what adventure it would be like?" She pointed at the bears.

"That's a great question." Kale commented.

"You went through a lot." Tom added. "Everywhere you go, something happens."

"There's no avoiding it." Samantha added.

The bears remembered their journeys, endless and endless journeys even from their house alone. But in a new environment like Canada, they don't even know what the unexpected would be like.

"I guess we could try giving it a shot but we still need time." Grizz answered.

"Adventure or experience, we need to plan out before...obviously." Panda still remembers the whole passport problem.

"Ice Bear qualifies blueprint odyssey." Ice Bear spoked.

"That's fine." Lucy smiled. "Just remind us when you're ready."

"We'll come if you do, even if it requires passports." Griff replied.

"Isaac all the way." Isaac added.

The bears and friends returned to their holiday as they ate marshmallows, heating them over the fireplace. Soon the other bears allowed The Poppy Rangers, Chloe, and Clifford to ride on their backs along with cubs in the front and back. Bear Solidarity Day put the bros back in the mood, hanging out with their friends and how the changed society improved their lives. When it comes to their plans, they get back to that when they head back to their home.

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