Chapter 8 Canada Essay And Unforsaken Reunion

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The three bears agreed with Chloe to come over to California University to straighten things out with her planned Canada essay. Her parents also came over after they agreed with their daughter to let her go to Canada on her own with her college friends. She's allowed to bring three college friends along so they can help her out on her essay. It wasn't hard to pick the three college friends upon arriving at the university after getting separated from Grizz, but the third friend she picked wouldn't have even happened if the bears didn't end Agent Trout's reign of terror.

Grizz, Panda, and Ice Bear walked down the hallway after getting the directions where Chloe and the principal's at. "It's nice we're allowing Chloe to bring friends to our trip to Canada." Panda smiled.

"She's one of our best friends, we may have everyone we want to come, but since we're allowing Ranger Tabes to bring The Poppy Rangers, Chloe should bring her own friends too." Grizz replied.

"You think Karla will be here after she's done with lunch?"

"I'm sure, then again we're gonna have lunch after we're done here."

"Ice Bear needs to be fed." Ice Bear spoked.

The bears arrived at the auditorium, where they almost ruined Chloe's report. Upon entering, the whole room was empty with only Chloe, her parents, the principal, and two of the college students who'll be coming along. "You're here." Chloe smiled.

"Chloe's parents told me everything about you taking her to Canada."

"It will be an adventure for all of us." Panda replied while turning to Chloe's parents. "You sure you're gonna miss your daughter?"

"You took her on the road to see the meteor shower." Mrs. Park said.

"It took us a while to rethink about this and she can go as long as she's bringing friends from this college." Mr. Park added.

As the bears walked up on the stage, Chloe presented them to the two students she's bringing. "I'm bringing Amy who I made friends with from the party you threw at your place."

"I've never traveled to another country before. I'm really happy to help out with your essay Chloe." Amy said.

"There will be a lot happening when we get there. We'll take turns." Chloe then presented the next college friend she's bringing. "Saavni and I made amends after the science contest. She actually came to me when she heard me about going to Canada."

"I've been to different countries all over the world, but Canada isn't one of them. I'm not missing a single event that happens." Saanvi smirked.

"Yeah good luck with that." Chloe said. "Canada is one of the biggest countries in the whole world."

"You would take months to get everything in an essay if you go to every place in Canada." The Principal added.

"I wouldn't say I would go to the whole country to do an essay...but half of it." Saanvi grinned and laughed.

"Ice Bear would go to seventy five percent of the arctic for an essay adventure." Ice Bear replied.

"At least you two are getting along better than last time." Grizz smiled.

"Don't worry about us, just think about what we're gonna do when we get there." Chloe walked up to the bears.

"Where's your third college friend?" Panda wondered.

"Oh, that's the surprise." She went off the stage while opening one of the door exits of the auditorium, presenting the third friend she's bringing to Canada. It's a blonde bear with glasses, around the same height as Chloe. With Chloe back on stage, the bears remembered the selfies Chloe had with the bear itself, but never met him in person. "This is Blonde. He became a student ever since bears were accepted in society."

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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