Chapter 4 Amanda's Brother & Sister

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The following morning, Lucy, Clifford, and Kale picked up Panda after they picked up Kazumi and Tom. Amanda texted them that she has a surprise for what she's bringing along for their trip to Canada. "I still can't believe you haven't been to her house yet." Kale said, sitting on the front seat.

"Or met her parents yet." Kazumi added.

"Well she never told me where she lived in San Francisco." Panda replied, sitting in the back. "Her profile here felt like me and my brothers were, except she appeared less in San Francisco, only hanging out with me while mostly at my place."

"She never told you where she lives?" Tom replied. "I did kidnap you, but I still showed you where I lived...up until I moved into Griff and Isaac's place."

"People don't always stay in San Francisco, which is why she texted me her home address." Lucy took out her phone. "When she moved along with her family, she moved to Sausalito."

"Her friends told me about Amanda being at Sausalito after Christmas. It's just me and my brothers who never had an interest in going there."

"You're in for a surprise." Kale looked back. "Lucy and I went there and it's amazing. You get a great view of San Francisco in the distance across the sea."

"And the houses there are great." Lucy added.

"I enjoyed the olives there. They were much fresher." Clifford commented.

"Huh, it's weird she never asked me to hang at her place when her parents aren't there." Panda said to himself.

"It's probably because her parents love their new home deeply." Kuzumi smiled. "Can't wait to see what it looks like."

Lucy drove through the buildings of Sausalito while paying attention to Amanda's home address. She parked by the end of the road while the dock houses are located. Upon coming out, Panda followed Lucy, Clifford, and Kale from behind. He looked at the dock houses floating on the water, while Tom enjoyed the sight of the ocean. Mornings make Sausalito beautiful, especially when boats appear in the sea for more sightseeing. It wasn't long until they arrived at Amanda's house, it was painted in pink, but wasn't big like Chloe's house. They slowly stepped on the front porch where the water lapped underneath.

When Panda looked at the house itself, he took a deep breath, knowing the moment inevitably had to arrive. "Well, there's no going back now." He pressed the doorbell, waiting along with his friends by his side. Soon, it was answered with Amanda's dad revealing to Panda for the first time. He didn't hesitate the moment he saw Amanda's boyfriend after the pictures she took with him.

"Panda." He responded. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

"Yeah, long overdue, but hello." Panda lifted his hand up while Amanda's father gave him a hand shake. He invited them inside as he closed the door behind Tom, while taking them to the living room.

"I've heard you are going to Canada...and my daughter wants to go."

"It was technically Grizz's idea when it came to our holiday last night."

"We're still making preparations." Lucy added.

"I know how that felt when we made the choice to move here." Amanda's father commented. "Even if you are only taking a vacation up north, we had so many preparations on which place we should move to."

"Must've been a rough time before moving here." Clifford replied.

"There's so many choices, but in the end, you can only pick one."

Then Amanda's mother entered the living room, taking notice of Panda himself. "Oh you're finally here." She smiled.

"Hi Amanda's mom."

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