Chapter 5 Barely Palling To Fall In With

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Grizz took Chloe, Ranger Tabes, her pet Kirk, Griff, and Karla to the mansion of one of the famous animals on the internet. He still couldn't believe some of his friends had never heard of him, but that's mainly how their lives were more important than watching videos on the internet. He's fully aware how much Griff spends all day in the mall as a Mall Cop, Chloe focusing on her studies in college especially her Canada adventure story she's planning upon arrival to the country, Ranger Tabes spending her life protecting the forest, and Karla who barely spends time on the internet. But he knew at some point, he needed to make sure everyone's coming.

"We're here." Grizz said, walking up to the gate of the mansion itself.

"You never showed any videos of this koala buddy." Griff commented. "Especially since he's really famous."

"Trust me, I've never learned the lesson of never meeting your heroes."

"I've learned that before I skipped school grades." Chloe replied. "Through judging from his mansion, I'm prepared to find out who he really is."

"I'm looking forward to meeting him." Ranger Tabes smiled and Kirk barked. "And Kirk is willing to come along. He is independent, but it's our only chance to go on a country adventure. Especially the Canadian Ranger who could be around after we met at Ranger Con."

Grizz knew Ranger Tabes had hopes, but even after everything that happened, he's still unsure if she's gonna take it well when she witnesses the Koala's true self. The gate itself opened, taking them by surprise, it wasn't long until the bodyguard from the building made his way to meet the uninvited guests. But judging from the security cameras recording them from the gate, the koala knew one of them would come over even if he didn't want him to.

The bodyguard walked up to Grizz's group as he gave them the news. "Nom Nom is in his office at the moment." Farmer replied. "But...he's unsure about meeting your friends."

"He doesn't have any friends...especially him?" Karla pointed at Grizz.

"Somewhat, but I have little to know about that." They all went inside Nom Nom's mansion, not wasting any time to take them to his office. Inside Nom Nom's office, Nom Nom just finished a phone call after getting congratulated from signing people's autographs he did from the mall last night during Bear Solidarity Day. But every time he heard about the holiday itself, it didn't bug him of how it reminded him of three specific bears, however he knew a lot had changed. He never met any of his friends, including the ones he's bringing in. Little did he know, he has yet to learn about Grizz's plans on why he's bringing his friends in.

Farmer entered the office which took Nom Nom by notice. "Are they waiting?" He asked.

"Yes." Farmer answered. "Grizz has an offer for you, but it has nothing to do with autographs for his friends."

Nom Nom took a deep breath while attempting to get this over with. "Invite them in."

Farmer headed out of the office, not long until he took Grizz and his friends inside the office. The moment Grizz's friends looked at Nom Nom, Ranger Tabes found him adorable while Karla caught on to everything from the way his mansion looks from the inside. Chloe and Kirk are the only ones who can't see him with the desk blocking the way. When Grizz walked up to the desk, Nom Nom cut the chase immediately.

"Do you want you and your friends to be invited to one of my next parties?" He guessed.

"No, but it would've been cool." Grizz answered.

"He does parties?" Ranger Tabes wondered. "I would be willing to come over for a sweet little koala like him." He padded on the koala's head, which irritated him.

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