Chapter 2: Deadzone

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Location: Sts nuclear power plant, Stanistan
Date: 15/04/2165
Standpoint: Perceus Winslow

"Okay Percy you heard Mission Control. You and your team are to investigate the explosion at the STS nuclear plant and determine the factor that resulted in the nuclear meltdown, your Mechs will protect you from the radiation but just to be certain we gave you radiation suits. Most importantly you must not engage any foreign forces unless provoked, especially if there are any troops from one of the factions, understood?".

Percy heard everything Octavius said as he fell to the ground in his Mech, his team–Strike Force Omega, falling besides him. Above he saw the Droneship fly off, it was too big to keep there so it would be stationed in a nearby UN base while Strike Force Omega did it's job. Percy opened his mike and said "Affirmative Octavius, estimated time to complete this mission is 3 hours so I hope you make yourself comfortable". Percy heard Octavius chuckle before he closed his Comms with the Droneship.

All 5 mechs hit the ground and Percy quickly did a system check to see if his mech was online and functioning. He was sitting on a Knight class Mech which was made in Britain, it was 31 feet tall and was white in colour with gold trimmings here and there, along with a blue interior glow, true to the name of the Mech, it had a shield attached to its left arm which was only big enough to cover the mech but could be extended into a 13 feet by 13 feet plasma shield. Strapped onto the Mech's back was a plasma blade which Percy could unsheath and use with the Mech's right hand. Percy controlled his Mech via genchips which were attached to the back of his head and to the Mech's systems. That way any movement Percy made inside the Mech's safety compartment; the mech would follow directly in real life. Percy's Mech was codenamed "Venator".

 Percy's Mech was codenamed "Venator"

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[Percy's Mech]

After checking his Mech Percy opened the Comms with the rest of the team and ordered "Alright everybody, status report".

Ivy was the first to reply (as usual) saying "This is Ivy, codenamed Scorpius, all systems are up and running". Ivy's Mech was an unusual Mech, she had somehow convinced the manufacturers to make her Mech into a scorpion shaped one, completely grey in colour it was 20 feet in height but twice as long as a normal mech. It had a scorpion tail that ended in a small opening from which an iron blade or plasma gun could come out and be used for combat, her Mech had 3 legs and 2 front pincers which were useful as Ivy usually was good at close range combat. There were also shock charges at the end of each of her pincers which could be used to temporarily shock a mech. Ivy had chosen this particular design because it was easy to manuver and reminded her of her homeland of New Zealand as Scorpions had become more common there. This was also the reason why her Mech had been codenamed "Scorpius". She also used a combination of the Genchip and a control panel to control her Mech and was a trustworthy second in command.

 She also used a combination of the Genchip and a control panel to control her Mech and was a trustworthy second in command

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