Chapter 3: Homing Missiles are annoying

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Location: STS power plant, Stanistan
Date: 15/04/2165
Standpoint: Sophia Campbell

Sophia was still trying to understand the sarcasm in what Ivy had said earlier. Her, Ivy and Artyom had been exploring the western half of the sea and while Artyom and Ivy focused on the surroundings, Sophia tried to strategies on what to do for the various outcomes that could occur. However her brain kept going back to trying to understand sarcasm and jokes.

Sophia was generally a smart girl, she had learnt to play chess by 7 and was a master at it by 11, she had memorised the world map and all the geographic locations by the age of 15 and by 17 she had learnt the periodic table, the laws of Newton and the biological structures of creatures.

However since she had focused so much on learning and improving she barely had any time to joke around or be sarcastic. Which she partially regretted. If only I had tried to understand sarcasm and jokes just a bit she thought.

Suddenly Ivy broke her train of thoughts by saying "Wait what's that over there?". She pointed towards the north west to the left of the ruins of the Power Plant. Sophia quickly used the zoom module of her Mech and spotted a battalion of 7 Mechs walking away from the Power Plant, they were all Yang classed Chinese Mech's with the standard grey colour and red outline, 5 of them carried standard plasma swords and plasma rifles and 2 of them where carrying a massive platform which contained a lot of uranium.

Artyom [who had also used his zoom] said "This is serious, troops of a nation from the NWO on neutral ground? Stealing Stanistan's Uranium? Should we stop them?" Sophia said "I think we should alert Venator and Viper and standby until it's clear what these Chinese Mechs intend to do". Artyom argued "They could cross over to a other NWO nation and thus we would be unable to prove that they were here in the first place, I say we send a distress signal to Viper and Venator to let us know we're in battle and try to stop these Chinese troops.

The decision ultimately came down to Ivy who was the second in command of the task force, she said "Negative Artemis, we'll send a distress signal and then block these troops from leaving, however we wont engage in combat unless provoked."

Both Sophia and Artyom agreed. However before they could do anything the leading Chinese Mech spotted them and quickly pointed towards the 3 lone Mechs, he then started to take something that was attached to his back".

Sophia quickly zoomed in and said "Be advised the leading mech seems to be pulling out a weapon". Artyom gave a small chuckle and said "What sort of weapon can hit us from that far? We're safe don't worry". Ivy quickly said "Ares focus on the Chinese, something is off here".

In the next moment it became clear that the lead Chinese Mech did have a weapon to damage the 3 as he pulled out a homing quad missile launcher and without warning launched 3 missiles all aiming at one of the 3.

Ivy quickly shouted "Artemis, Ares take cover!" Before using the pincer-claws of her Mech to quickly bury herself deep underground .

Easy for you to say Scorpius, not everyone has a mech with pincers capable of digging.  Sophia thought, then she remembered her jetpack and quickly activated it and flew into the air to a height of 250 meters since she knew that homing missiles could only fly to a height of 240 meters.

Below her she saw Artyom rush towards a nearby massive boulder and crouched behind it to try and protect himself.

The missile aiming for her Mech reached the height of 240 before flailing and falling back to the ground, diabled. The mech after Ivy also hit the ground harmlessly as it's target was nowhere to be found. However the third missile was somehow smart enough to move ahead of the rock and then around and hit Artyom straight in the back.

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