Chapter 4: Dungeons and Dragons

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Location: STS nuclear power plant Stanistan
Date: 15/04/2165
Standpoint: Ivy Smith

They slowly made their way towards the mystery light, as they got closer Ivy realised that it was an entrance of some sorts to an undeground location. She said "It looks like a bunker, but not of Chinese origin, or of any nation from my knowledge". Sophia spoke through the Comms "I've got a better view up here and I can confirm that this is unlike any bunker design I've ever seen, and I studied several of them last week". Percy said "Affirmative, keep a look out, it could be a trap".

Everyone agreed and they continued waking, the closer they got to the entrance the muddier the ground got, until the point that Percy and the others started to slow down due to having their feet constantly sink in the mud. Thankfully the less density and agility of her Scorpius Mech made it so it could walk over anything from deep mud to a frozen lake.

Above them Sophia noticed the team slowing down pace and said "Come on guys walk faster, I'm using a jetpack not helicopter blades, I can't hover in the air." Sam replied "Well not everyone can fly like you Sophie so get over it". Ivy replied "I'm on the ground and I'm walking fine". Artyom said "Don't get me started on your Mech". Percy intervened saying "Guys focus, there is a 60% chance this is a trap and I dont want our last conversation to be about this." After that everyone shut up and kept moving.

After 30 minutes they reached the entrance, it was a tunnel dug into what seemed like obsidian, with black stairs leading down. It was big enough for humans to pass through but unfortunately not for the Mechs.

Percy said "This is odd" Sam replied "Yeah no shit, whoever built this did so by hand or small machines and never got detected". Percy said "No, I mean the area we are in right now is odd". Ivy asked "What do you mean Venator". Percy replied "according to the schematics this place where we are right now was a special area dug out and filled with all the liquid nuclear waste from the plant, and the last measurement revealed that there was so much of it that it would take a temperature of 500000°c to boil it. Yet here we are with little to no radiation in the area".

Sophia landed next to them and said "Maybe it got absorbed by the ground, could be why it's so muddy and deep". Artyom replied "Yeah but we have no way of knowing". Sam then said "Actually we do, I created a cool gadget for my mech a few months ago and it should do the trick". He retracted his right arm and a detector of sorts came out, it was like an emf reader but had numbers, letters and a 3-d diagram instead. "Behold, the Gauge Prime! This baby can detect radiation like the normal gauge counter, but can also detect where, in how much quantity and which state it's in!" Ivy retorted "I would call you a genius except that name is terrible". Sam looked at her and said "Yeah I know I'm working on it".

Sam started to try and find where the radiation is and after a while brought out right hand again, he said "Percy was right, this is extremely odd". Ivy asked "Why's that?" Sam replied "Sophie was right, its all been absorbed into the ground, it's already 25 meters below the earth". Sophie said "That's really bad, it could affect all the nearby environment" Sam shook his head and said "that's the weird part, it's all going down in one direction" he pointed towards the entrance and said "all the nuclear waste is moving towards whatever's down there, and its being dissolved at a rate of 10 liters per hour."

Artyom said "I'm no genius but I'm pretty sure that's not natural". Percy nodded saying "You'r right, it isn't natural, so then the question is that who created this bunker? And what's in there that can absorb nuclear waste?". Sophie suddenly asked "Weren't the Chinese and Americans working on a machine that could absorb the radiation and nuclear waste that a nuclear bomb inflicted, this entire thing could be a test to see whether or not it works" Artyom replied "Sophia's got a point, they could have bombed the powerplant, allow the nuclear waste to spill everywhere and use the machine to absorb it". Ivy asked "But why do it in a neutral nation?" Sam replied "Because Stanistan is the only nation stopping China from attacking Russia, so for them, if this test works then they have a way to win a nuclear war, but if they fail then one of their major enemies take a huge blow to its economy and power, since this power plant used to produce 33% of Stanistan's energy."

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