Chapter 5: Mayhem with a dash of Madness

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Location: Underground Dungeon
Date: 15/04/2165
Standpoint: Percy Winslow

If this weird mage expected fear and pleas of mercy from us then he is in for a lot of disappointment Percy thought. Apparently Ivy thought the same thing because she said out loud "Mate, for someone supposedly so powerful you are truly dumb, do we look like historians to you?"

Kronos was dumbfounded by her answer "Do you not realize the precariousness of your situation?! How dare you disrespect me!" Percy was also shocked at how calmly Ivy was taking the situation, he was about to say something when Ivy said "At a loss for words eh? All powerful my ass". Percy wouldn't laughed out loud at that if he didn't notice how Kronos's eyes started glowing purple. He quickly intervened and said "Umm don't worry er mister Kronos, we know most of the modern history and can fill you in".

Kronos nodded at him and said "At least you can show respect when it's demanded, you on the other hand..." He looked at Ivy with disgust and spoke "Ym dab huc" suddenly the chains around Ivy tightened and she started to scream in pain. "I warned you little fool, now suffer the consequences". Ivy kept struggling and shouting in pain, but Kronos turned to Percy and said "Now speak, if you value your compstriot's life".

Percy quickly launched into an explanation from 2020 to the present year, being as straight to the point as possible and skipping over uneventful years. In 5 minutes he had explained all of it, Percy stopped and looked at Ivy, only to see her skin starting to melt–melt in the places where the chains touched her skin. He said "I've upheld my promise! Now do your part!"

Kronos sighed and snapped his fingers, instantly the chains loosened up and her skin healed back to its original state, though Ivy seemed far from okay. I have to get her out of here, but how? He used morse code to ask her how she was doing, after a few long seconds she replied in morse I'm coping, I have an idea, trust me okay? The last thing Percy wanted to do was follow her plan, especially after the stunt she pulled but agreed in morse code.

Kronos had turned his back against them and ended their morse conversation by turning around and laughing. He said "This is too good! The world has fallen into chaos, magic is nowhere to be seen, basically gone from this world and people have forgotten the threat that I am! Master was correct!"

So he does have a superior thought Percy but who could it be? I should ask him But when Percy opened his mouth he found himself asking "What do you mean magic is almost gone, I thought it was supposed to be eternal?" Kronos replied "Oh don't believe those foolish fairy tails, Magic is indirectly proportioned to technology! When one improves the other reduces! And since the world is so technologocally advanced it..." Suddenly Ivy interrupted "Blah blah blah mate, I didn't know you were a nerd as well as a magician! Though looking at you I should've expected it".

Welp, time to think of an excuse of how she died in battle, I doubt her parents will accept 'death by powerful mage due to making fun of him' as a good explanation for why their daughter is dead Percy thought. But he was surprised when Kronos actually laughed out loud and said "you amuse me with your new words and attitude, I may keep you as a jester! Just to provide me with entertainment!" Ivy smirked and said "If you free my hands for a minute I can show you something even better". Kronos snorted and said "I am not stupid young one, I know you'll try to attack me..though considering the fact that you would be good practise..sure why not come at me, let's see what you got".

To Percy's awe the chains around Ivy disappeared and she stood up and faced the ancient mage. However instead of charging him she put her left hand to her ear and spoke "Scorpius, engage cryon manoeuvres." Kronos just looked at her with confusion on his pale face but Percy understood what she had just said. He ducked down a bit to avoid what was about to happen and prayed Ivy's plan would work.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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