Chapter 8 - Bellkeepers

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The belfry soared majestically into the drifting clouds. At its base, a pair of archers floated beside the entrance, with a heavy gate denying passage. There was no avoiding them. The Lucid One hesitantly thumbed the silver ring below his cane's quartz pommel. He had been successful so far, but mainly due to luck, and that was sure to run out. He had to have faith in his mission, and in Nos. That was the only way to defeat these derelict angels.

The notion still weighed heavily on his conscience. He had no idea why he was battling the divine constructs, but it was not his place to question. Something was terribly wrong, and his quest would surely set things right. The ring clicked into place, and he charged.

As he neared, the archers raised their bows in unison, firing twin volleys of silver nettles. He dove low between them, then immediately backpedaled as their weapons swung like clubs. He refrained from counterattacking, hoping to draw the angels away from the walls, where they would be vulnerable.

Sure enough, they floated forward, raising their bows to stake him with the pointed ends, but they struck only stone. Their strength was formidable, but the man was quicker. He tumbled past, staff separating mid-roll, and lashed the angels twice across their backsides. Feathers fluttered as they cried out, then swung again in a wide arc. He was already dodging, moving far right to place one archer between the other.

His staff snapped together. With one hand on the pommel, the Lucid One jammed its tip into the base of the angel's wing, eliciting a horrendous shriek from the creature. His cane sunk into its joint, but its partner was already upon him. He placed a foot on the gilded armor to pull himself free, and fell back as the bow whistled overhead. He rose to his feet, whipping the archer's conical helmet. The attacks barely fazed it. With a powerful flap it rushed forward, bow extended, and toppled the man to the ground.

He quickly recovered as it flew overhead. As he struck the wings repeatedly, the angel cried out and spun towards him. The cane locked together, then separated in a straight thrust. It caught the angel below the breastplate, enough to finally stagger it. As it drifted to the ground, his cane solidified and stabbed upward beneath its helm.

There was a rush of golden smoke as its inner glow extinguished, and the armor fell to pieces around him. He had no time to celebrate, for a sharp note signaled the other's bow. Without looking, he threw himself aside, and arrows scattered past. Before he could stand, the bow sang again, and he rolled alongside the wall. The silver needles shot through the stone without resistance. He charged the lone angel, denying it the advantage of ranged combat. With the cane barred before him, the bow swung, and their weapons collided.

The force of the blow nearly sent him sprawling. His arms flung wide as his guard was broken, and he stumbled to stay upright. A flash of metal made him drop to the ground, barely avoiding the next strike, then his cane whipped upward into the construct's chin, causing its helmet to snap back. A second lash caught its arm, delaying its next attack long enough for him to dive under it. He came up behind and stabbed deep into its wing.

The angel wailed as the man forced it down, face-first against the stone. He pushed with all his might and felt the staff go straight through, until it jarred against the inside of its breastplate. The archer raised a gauntlet as its light faded, then the arm collapsed and broke apart.

With a firm tug, the Lucid One retrieved his cane, then surveyed the vacant shells. He was amazed he had won with only some bruised ribs, hardly worth the blessed draughts he carried. He had one swig of each flask remaining, and did not want to squander them.

Instead, he moved to the lever tucked beside the gateway and activated it. The dark-iron portcullis shuddered as it rose, as if it had stood unused for ages. Just inside its archway was a spiral staircase, and with a steadying breath, the man started his ascent.

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