ch - 1 first meeting

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Y/n pov:

As the sun peeked through the certains the birds chirping soun disturbed my beauty sleep but suddenly.

Y/n: AAHAhhhh

The sound of my alarm make me fully waked up oh I hate this alarm I hate this thing as I wake up and saw the time its only 7:00 and my college starts at 9:00 uhh why so early as I was questioning my life I heard. Some one knocked on the door and.

Suga: hey sleepy head wake up fast or you gonna be late for college again and this time I will not stand waiting for you to come out side of the college gate.

My brother calls for me and I stands up tiredly from my bed and yelled.

Y/n: YAH I have waked up now don't break my door and go make breakfast and I am going to go fresh.

Suga: YEAH FAST!!!!

Sigh I don't know why he is always in a hurry. After that I freshen up did my morning routine and come downstairs and here I meet my chef brother the smell of nicely cooked egg and becon smell straight come and enter in my nose

Y/n: ohh brother can't you do it fastly I am hungry and we are getting late its already 8:00.

What don't judge me I was having a concert in my bathroom and that's why i am late and I know you also do a concert in your bathroom then suga come and serve the food on table.

Suga: what, help me if you don't want to be late for college and yeah you just don't care you are just saying these thing to pissed me off.

Y/n: oh yeah please shut up ok you don't know I have to complete my beauty sleep huh how will you know after having a cat face meoww.

Suga: yeah atleast I don't wear tons off makeup on my face.

Y/n: YAH what did you say.

I said while huffing.

Suga: huh nothing eat silently.

Then we eat and now we both are ready for college and heading towards college in our car. And then we both separate our way from here he goes to the 3rd year and I am heading towards 1st year in hallway.

As soon as I come in hallway boys shouting is could be hear oh did I tell you that how famous I am for my looks yeah I am bootiphool ass phuck you can't resist me. Boys starting drooling over me and their girls handling them giving me death glares but do I care ofcourse not.

Suddenly a boy come in my way and.

The boy: hey y/n I want to say something can I??

Although I know what he want to say but even though I give him a chance.

Y/n: yeah sure say what you have to say

And then he correct his posture and clear his throat and while showing be a bouquet of flowers.

The boy: y/n I really like you from the 1st year please can you be my girlfriend??

Said the boy poor boy his feeling gonna be hurted.

y/n: uhh.. see you are a really nice boy and really a innocent one but my dear I am sorry but you are just not my type you are just too much innocent for me.

I don't wanna hurts his feeling really.

The boy: ohh umm its ok i guess i know that you are gonna reject me but atleast i tried anyways please can you accept the flowers they are really expensive.

Said the boy i know that this is just a attraction and nothing like a love.

y/n: ohh yeah thanks.

I said as i take the flowers from him.

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