ch - 3 opening up??

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Tae pov:

College bell rings and everyone starts to going towards there houses and here i am still in college ground thinking of what to do there is no point of going home as no one cares about me if i am home or not seeing people with there friends laughing a small sad smile made its way on my face as i starts to walk but stop as i heard a voice from my behind.

???: hey taehyung wait wait for me.

As i turn around i saw jimin??

Jimin: hey taehyung are you going home??

Taehyung: huh y..yeah.

Jimin: ok then let's go together how about that??

Taehyung: huh ok if you w..want to.

Then we both start to walk.

Jimin: hey taehyung why are you so silent??

Taehyung: huh what do you mean??

Jimin: like why don't you talk much huh in college also you are so silent why??

Taehyung: its nothing like that i am fine it just i don't have much friends.

Jimin: what are you saying?? Who am i to you than huh?? I am also your friend taehyung you can tell me if there is any problem ok??

Taehyung: hmm.

Jimin: ok give me your phone number.

Taehyung: w..why what happened??

Jimin: you ask so many questions just give me so i can talk to you. simple!

Taehyung: hmm ok here.

Jimin: yeah ok and here added.

Suddenly taehyung's phone rings when he checked.

Added to group 'Bishesssssss'🖤💫

Taehyung: where you have added me??

Jimin: its our group you will know.

Taehyung: hmm ok then this is my house i am going hmm.

Jimin: yeah ofcourse bye.

Taehyung: yeah bye go safely.

Jimin: yeah i will bye.

Then i go inside my house and get welcomed by a loud yell by my mom.

T/m: where have you been huh?? Why you are so late?? Your brother will come any second go and complete his work.

Taehyung: but mom its my first day of new college and i am tired.

T/m: yeah tired first you are late and now you are tired what have you did in college huh?? I don't wanna hear anything go FAST!!

Taehyung: huh y..yes yes mom.

Than i go to my brothers room completes his work and was going out when i see my brother smirking at me.

T/b: nice you work well.

Taehyung: shut up!!

T/b: brother i was just praising you and nothing.

Taehyung: just SHUT UP!!

T/b: mom see taehyung is shouting on me.

T/m: what what happened??

T/b: see he is shouting on me.

T/m: why are you shouting on him huh?? Just go to your room before i made you go GO!!

I don't have to say anything she will still take his side because he is her real son and i am not.

I come in my room and got freshen up i wear my comfortable clothes and come to my room suddenly 'ting' i hear my phone makes a sound i cheked and there are some msgs from the group 'Bishesssssss'🖤💫.

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