ch - 9 falling for you

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Y/n pov:

He agreed to stay tonight in my home I am very excited I don't know why I want to know him more I want to hear him I know that something is not right and I wanna hear it out I am not sure if I will be enough but I will try my best to understand him.

Y/n: come taehyung I will show you your room for tonight.

Taehyung: yeah let's go.

Than we start walking towards the guest room but I can feel his intense gaze is on me.

Y/n: so this is yoUaH.

As I turn around I accidentally bumped into his hard chest I was about to fall backwards but he save me by placing his left hand under my nape and his right hand on my waist and for some seconds I don't know why but I was staring in his eyes his brown eyes telling me so much and I wanna know everything. But this filling doesn't last for long when he says.

Taehyung: are you gonna stay like this for the whole night y/n my back is hurting.

He said calling me out from my delululu.

Y/n: huh ohh yeah I am sorry.

I said standing straight.

Y/n: so where I was?? Yeah so this is your room if you want anything you can ask me ok but don't wake oppa up he doesn't like it when someone wake him up from his sleep.

Taehyung: yeah ok I will.

And with that he goes inside.

He goes inside and I turn around i was about to go away when he call me from behind.

Taehyung: hey y/n can I get some clothes actually I really can't sleep in Jean's and shirt.

Y/n: ohh yeah why not you wait ok I bring some clothes for you.

He nod and i also make my way towards my oppas room. What I will not give him my clothes I am sure he doesn't want to wear them I knocked on my brothers door.

Y/n: OPPA!!!

he didn't open aishhhh.


This time I shout a little bit and I heard his groaning voice and then he said.

Suga: what happened??

Y/n: oppa open the door I want some clothes.

Suga: what I don't have your clothes in my room I didn't stole them.

Y/n: ohh no oppa I mean I want your clothes.

Suga: ahh what but by do you want my clothes??

Y/n: aish no oppa I am mean I want clothes for tae.

Oppa open the door with a sleepy confuse face.

Suga: hein?? Who is tae??

Y/n: aishh I mean for taehyung he said that he is uncomfortable in those clothes.

Oppa looked at me for some seconds with a unreadable expression.

Suga: hmm wait I am bringing.

Then oppa went inside and after some minutes he bring his pyjamas.

Suga: here take them and give him.

Y/n: yeah thanks oppa and yeah good night.

Suga: yeah yeah night.

Then I went towards taehyung room and opened it mindlessly and as soon as I opened his rooms door I saw a heavenly view in front of my eyes taehyung he was shirtless his back was facing me his creamy skin was all expose in front of my eyes as he feel my presence in the room he turn around facing me his eyes winded seeing me staring at his body he don't have abs but he's body is perfect ohh the urge to trail my fingers on his body from his neck to down no no no y/n what are you thinking come back. I come back to reality when he cover his body with blanket. Why. He look at me.

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