Chapter 1 it begins

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The final battle was set to start. Harry looked out the window and watched as Dark Lord and his Death Eaters were marching up to Hogwarts. He glanced back. "They are coming."

Harry turned, walked down the halls and stairs until he exited the huge wooden doors. He walked out to meet the Dark Lord ignoring the people calling his name. People were asking what to do and what did they need to do. He could feel everyone behind him watching him as they slowly followed him out, wondering how he was going to kill Voldemort. He could feel the students, teachers, and Order members spreading out behind him. He stopped about halfway across what was meant to be the battlefield. He began to wait for Voldemort to reach him.

"Hi Tom. A great day for a little bloodshed don't you think?" He smirked at the Dark wizards gathered. He felt like waving to Severus just to throw him off.

Voldemort glanced around and gave an evil grin. "I do believe you are right Harry, of course, you need to be dressed correctly." He was not happy with how Harry was currently looking.

Harry glanced down at his clothes. He had forgotten he was still wearing what Dumbledore and the others would expect of him. He ran a hand down his front and his clothes changed to a deep green color, almost black with silver thread around the trim dress robe. He had on black slacks and a white shirt, with a black vest with matching green and silver thread going through it. He grew in height to his full six feet, 3 inches, stretched. "Ahh, that feels so good." He walked over to Voldemort, gave him a quick nudge, turned, and faced Hogwarts.

"Let's see, who wants to just toss down their wands now?" Harry tilted his head to the side as if analyzing the group in front of him. Most of them were students who had no clue as to what was going on.

"You slimy snake. I knew you were dark. I warned Dumbledore but he didn't listen." Ron yelled across to them, his anger, jealousy reflected in his voice. Harry thought he looked like he was having a temper tantrum. His red face matching his red hair.

"It had nothing to do with you and some of your family being paid to be my friends from my own vault. How about the idea that I would marry Ginny and then have me committed someplace or tossed into Azkaban and having her control my vaults. By the way, very unoriginal, I give you a Troll for it."

"What are you talking about?" Someone shouted out.

"He's bonkers." Someone else shouted.

"Oh Dumbledore, Granger, the Weasleys, Moody, Moony, and Tonks have been getting paid from my own account. I can prove it. The goblins are so very very helpful." He watched the faces and heard some gasps. "I loved the yearly tests. Talk about force feeding the clues to those two idiots and letting them believe they were guiding me was getting harder and harder each year. Every year Dumbles would let something dark into our school and drop hints about how the Golden Trio had to save the school, with me being in danger. Hermione doing the research. Ron doing our strategy, I have to say that was the best joke." He gave a very dramatic sigh.

He turned to Severus when he heard Severus let out a small snicker. "Severus helped me get the stone before the Christmas holidays during my first year. Making the fake was the hardest part of that year. I just couldn't get the right color. Those ashes were the key and with them, Dumbles fell for the I can't believe poor Quirrell's dead speech and told me it was love that saved me. If you can buy that tripe. The guy is living back in Albania and having the time of his life. He got himself a vampire girlfriend. I believe we are going to the wedding next month." He glanced at Tom, who nodded his head.

"The diary that was just a good old laugh, really Ginny? You, who comes from a wizard family, didn't think it was strange having a diary writing back to you like that. Though I have to say the crap you wrote was sickening. It took all of our efforts to keep up with the amount of sobbing you did." He looked at Narcissa. "I think Lucius and Tom even tried to bribe Cissy to write back but the price was very high."

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