Chapter 14 Year 6 part 3

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Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Theo, Luna, Neville, and Harry stood on the platform with Severus, Lady Longbottom, and Lucius. The rest of the parents had already left, knowing their children were safe with Severus and Lucius.

"Redette and Brainless are going to cause problems." Luna warned as they saw them coming through platform entrance. The twins were bringing them this year as Molly was still in Azkaban. They saw the twin tilt their head toward Granger and knew it meant she was the one who was going to be causing problems.

"Grandmother, I believe we are going to see them in action this time."

"I do believe you are right Nev. This is going to be interesting, I wonder if I will be called a Death Eater?"

Harry tried not to laugh as they all watched the vulture hat bounce up and down in amusement at its owner words. Harry had marked her last night before they left, it was a small garden snake. Neville had informed her of what was going on and she decided after talking with Sirius to help them, the Twin with Bill and Charlie, also convinced Lady Longbottom to join them. Sirius showing her the memory of Dumbles using an Unforgivable on him got her to wonder about what happened to her son and his wife.

"Harry, what are you doing?" Hermione demanded.

"I am standing here with my friends as we say goodbye to our family. If you were polite I would have introduced you." Harry retorted.

"Oh please, I don't need to be introduced to Death Eaters." Hermione huffed.

Lady Longbottom looked at her. "Miss Granger, I presume?"

"How do you know my name?" She demanded.

"From your attitude and what my grandsons have said about you." She paused. "My grandson in Gryffindor is Neville, my other grandson is in Ravenclaw, you might know him, his name is Harry, I am Lady Longbottom and I have never been called a Death Eater in my life."

Many people on the platform had heard Granger's comments and were affronted by what the girl had said. Ron Weasley had tried to stop her but he was ignored, Ginny couldn't care less about Hermione, she was however concerned with anything to do with Harry. "He isn't your grandson." Snapped Ginny.

"I do believe I would know if he was or wasn't, you impertinent witch." Lady Longbottom stated. "I see you are heading down the same path of your mother. I do hope you don't end up in Azkaban as she did."

Ginny not knowing when to keep quiet starting ranting, exactly like her mother. "This is why we need Death Eaters locked up. Look at this, they are corrupting our good society and my Harry."

"Your Harry?" A few asked, including Harry.

"Yes, we have a marriage contract." Ginny smirked.

"We do?" Harry asked. He was acting confused, he looked at Severus who was furious, they both are in reality. They honestly didn't expect the girl to do this.

"Yes, of course, you know that. We will be getting married."

"No he won't. I didn't sign any contract for him." Severus stated.

"The Headmaster did." Ginny said smugly.

"Miss Weasley, despite what you think, the Headmaster has no say in who my ward marries." Severus informed her, he can see everyone was looking at them, and remembering the last few times with the Weasley family and this was just not making them look good. The twins were just shaking their head in shame.

"I think it's time you got on the train-" Fred tried to tell her.

"before you make a scene-" George added.

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