Chapter 6 Sirius wakes up

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Sirius barely stayed upright when they arrived back at Malfoy Manor. Severus let him go and he weaved a little but managed to stay up. Harry looked at him and smiled. "Come on, let me show you your room. You can bathe and rest before we have our chat. I think you need some food too."

Sirius looked at all of them. "I think I would rather have a chat first."

Harry nodded his head and guided Sirius to Lucius' study. Tom, Lucius, and Severus followed him. Lucius almost groaned when Sirius sat in one of his off-white high-back chairs with his filthy clothes. Tom nudged him and Lucius sat down on the couch with Severus. Harry took the other chair while Tom leaned against the desk.

"I am going to make this simple. You were set up, so were my parents. The reason for their deaths was faked." Harry watched Sirius for a few seconds, tilting his head as if studying Sirius. Severus and Tom knew the boy was making sure Sirius wasn't going to be a danger to them.

Sirius looked surprised for a few seconds, all of them watching his reaction. Finally, he jumped out of the chair and began to pace. "Set up? Faked?"

"Yes. Dumbledore needed a fake prophecy to set up the Dark Lord for death. He also knew you weren't the secret keeper, because of their Wills. I wasn't sure who cast the spell, but that doesn't matter. He also left a note for my wonderful relatives to abuse me with his permission saying no one would interfere. He has also been stealing from me to pay Remus Lupin, the Weasleys, and Hermoine Granger." Harry laid it all out in one sweep. Sirius almost fell to the floor in shock. Harry guided him back to his chair. "Sit down, I know this is a lot to take in, and there is more, but I think you get the idea now. I do hope you realize we aren't the bad guys here."

Sirius did sit down and he looked at all four of them, he turned his attention back to Harry. "I don't understand."

Harry began to explain everything. He explained about finding his parents trunks, the letters from Dumbledore allowing the Dursleys to hurt him, his first two years at Hogwarts, the stealing of his money and what Dumbledore was trying to do. "You do realize he has been at this for a long time. He started with Tom, worked on Severus, and now me. To him, we are just pawns for him to maintain control."

Sirius had been pacing the floor, clearly trying to remain in control of anger, as Harry spoke and he turned to look at Severus. "Is what he is saying the truth?"

Severus looked closely at Sirius. "Sadly, yes. Dumbledore is really the bad guy here. I helped him by spying during the last war after Lily was killed. He got me out of Azkaban saying I was his spy. However, he used whatever means necessary to keep my hatred of the Potters, Lupin, and you fresh in my mind. He kept reminding me over and over again about what happened during our fifth year. He used it as a weapon so that he didn't have to answer my questions about Harry. He fostered my ideas of Harry being a pampered brat. He made sure every time in some small way to mention the past or how Harry was being spoiled."

Sirius collapsed. Lucius and Harry, who were closest to him, helped him to the chair he had been sitting in. "Sirius, this is way too much, you need to relax, we can talk about this later." Harry told him.

"No, I want in but I am not sure about being dark. I do need more time to decide. Yes, I want him to pay. I want Lupin to pay. I want the Weasleys to pay. I want the Dursleys to pay. They are going to feel what it means to have a Black wanting revenge. What does saying yes mean to you?"

"It will mean that I will mark you as mine. You need to see a healer and get some sleep. We can talk more in the morning."

Lucius called a house elf and had them take Sirius to his room. After he left, Tom looked over at Harry. "I can't believe you got him to change sides. He has always been so light. He even left his brother at his parents' house to avoid all their "dark" talk."

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