Chapter 15 Year 6 part 4

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Severus was watching Harry during the Welcoming Feast and judging from the way he was looking at Dumbledore, he knew the upcoming meeting was going to be interesting. He wondered if Harry was going to give Dumbledore something to really think about. He pondered what was going to happen and almost missed his introduction. He rose, bowed and sat down enjoying the looks of horror on most of the Gryffindors' faces.

Soon he was walking to the Ravenclaw table and standing behind Harry. "Brat, it seems our presence is required in the Headmaster's office."

"You can always tell it's a new school year by the yearly arrive of Professor Snape taking his son up to visit the old coot." Severus heard one Ravenclaw tell one of the first years.

"Don't listen to anyone else regarding Snape, he's not a git." Another told someone else.

Harry got up and leaned into Severus. "Can I guess this year?"

"I might let you if you don't give that gargoyle any made up names of candies." Severus said it loud enough for several Ravenclaws to hear and he knew now he would find Ravenclaws and Slytherins giving the gargoyle lists of bogus candies.

Harry grinned and they started to walk toward the Headmaster's office. "Filius will be meeting us up there."

"Oh, this is going to be an interesting meeting." Harry told him.

"He knows about the contract, I think someone floo called him about it."

"That explains why we didn't get our newspapers tonight."

"Yes, I think he put a redirect on them."

"He can't hide it forever." Harry grinned the gargoyle. "Jellybean."

Severus was ready to tell Harry that he wasn't allowed to give fake candies when the gargoyle moved aside. "He said the password is peppermint."

"It is, jellybean is the override." Harry grinned at him. "He won't know we are coming."

Severus grinned as they rode the stairs and outside of the door they heard Dumbledore. "He has to agree to change the contract."

"I have told you, he doesn't, you made it, you will be suffering the punishment deemed by Lady Magic."

"There has to be something I can do?"

"You will need to be married by the end of the month, you put a lot of harsh restrictions in there, and one of them was once the contract was released it had to be fulfilled within a month."

"I am aware of that, however, she is under arrest."

"You can still be bonded."

"What other terms must be meet?"

"A child within a year, you aren't the head of house however, you had her made the head of house."

"What? I am older than her, much older."

"Yes, but you set the terms, she is the head of house, there is nothing you can do. She will be setting your allowance and overseeing the expenses and you will be responsible for childcare, she can even deny you the ability to work."


"I told you when this when it was written up, I told you it would come back and bite you, I just didn't think this would be now, I do hope you are going to be telling Mr. Lupin he will be joining in this marriage?"

Harry and Severus exchanged a look, they weren't aware of that.

"I will have to find him first."

"You better, if you aren't married within the month all three of you lose your magic and all the monies get forfeited to Mr. Potter as the injured party in this." When Filius joined them they put their finger to their lips. "How is he the injured party when we are the ones who have to get married?"

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