Chapter 18 Results

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Severus and Poppy spent the night keeping Dumbledore away from Harry. No matter what they said or did the man was focused on speaking to Harry as soon as he woke. When he left the last time Severus looked at Poppy. "He isn't getting near Harry. I am tired of his games."

Poppy sighed and sat down in a chair she summoned. "Severus, Harry is going to be fine. I know you are upset, and I know Harry will be also, but Albus is doing his job. He needs to find out what happened."

Severus looked at her closely. "Poppy do you have any idea of what that man has done to Harry or me?" Severus watched her as she thought about what he just asked. "Poppy do a full history on us, it will answer a lot of your questions."

Poppy stood up and began her scans as she looked at Harry's she began to go pale seeing the history of abuse until he got to Hogwarts. She did the same with Severus and again isn't happy with the results. "He lied to me." Severus gave her a questioning look and Poppy handed the report to Severus. "Your first year, I asked about your health scan. I showed him how bad you had it at your house. He told me he would make sure you were fine. I asked every year. I think he used memory charm on me because I don't remember what became of this issue. As I am finding nothing in my mind about me following up. I did the same with Harry in his first year. I was very glad he refused to return to his relatives."

"Why aren't I surprised? Poppy that man has hidden a lot. The stuff in the papers is true." Severus wanted her on their side. He knew she was a good woman and friend to have. "I won't let him near Harry." He looked at his husband. "I don't think Harry will let Albus near him either."

Poppy knew there was more. "You will tell me what is going on?"

"I can't, not until I talk to Harry. If he agrees, we will require a Vow."

"We will talk to Harry." She quietly went to her office.

"You know we are going to be telling her?" Harry quietly stated. He was facing Severus. "I am hoping Weasley got arrested."

"He did, but Dumbledore is trying to get him off. How are you feeling? You scared me." Severus told him. He wanted to take Harry and run to his quarters, hide them there so that no one can find them.

"Trying to get him off? Are you serious?" Harry tried to sit up, and Severus put a pillow behind him to aid him. "I am sick of that man using his power like that. How many attempted murderers has he gotten off?"

Severus didn't comment. He knew Harry was thinking of what happened to him during his fifth year. He remembered when Harry found out about that and went after Sirius. He kept Sirius in the dueling chambers for the day, testing new spells on the man, until Tom and Severus stepped in and stopped Harry from continuing. Sirius stayed clear of Harry for that week until he knew for sure that Harry wasn't angry with him for almost killing Severus.

"He wants to speak to you about it." Severus informed Harry as he took Harry's hand. "Everyone's been worried about you." He knew Harry will understand what he meant.

"That should be an interesting chat."

"He will be here soon, he has been coming up here almost hourly." Severus glanced back to the doors. "Poppy has tried to keep him out but he won't listen to us."

Harry arched his eyebrow. "What happened after you got me here?"

Severus quickly told Harry everything he knew. Severus can see that Harry was thinking. "If I press charges, Dumbledore will try that whole stress about his mother and the wedding, and how the boy is having a hard time. If we don't press charges, we look like morons."

"We can go with not pressing charges with some stipulations." Severus said. "Get him to stop following you, having him be required to keep a certain distance from you, a magical restraining order would do that. Require him to see a mind healer and some school punishments like no Quidditch."

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