Chapter 13 Year 6 part 2

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Severus glared at the letter he just received from that old goat, he mind was racing, he was furious, how dare that man. Yes, he loved DADA, but to just put him as the Professor without even asking him, it made him furious. He also knew it meant he would still be required to provide the potions for the school. He glanced up as Harry entered the library. "You aren't going to believe this." He told him.

"Someone has gotten you upset, what happened?" Harry asked, concern in his voice, Severus rarely got upset, and seldom let it show. Harry leaned into Severus, who was seated in one of the off white chairs that were in the library.

"That old meddlesome coot has decided that I will be teaching DADA this year and hired Slughorn to be the Potions Professor." Severus told him. "He didn't even ask me. You know he will also expect me to make all the potions still."

Harry looked at him for a few seconds as a slow smile spread over his face. "Slughorn." He left the room. Severus was now curious what Harry meant and got up to follow him, passing Tom on the way.

"I just saw Harry and he had that look on his face." Tom told him, wondering what set Harry off on his newest idea.

"Yes, I know I gave it to him and I have no idea why." Severus informed him. "I was telling him my bad news, he smiled and left the library."

"What news?" Tom wondering what Severus had learned.

"I am now the DADA Professor and Slughorn is now teaching Potions." Severus told him and he saw a slow smile appear on Tom's face. "What is going on?"

"Come, I am sure you are going to love this." Tom grabbed Severus' hand and guided him to Harry's office.

Harry was at one of his boards, writing stuff on it, and when they entered he glanced over to them. "Did Severus tell you the good news?"

"Yes, but I think he doesn't understand why it's good news." Tom informed him.

Harry brow furrowed for a quick second and he tilted his head and took a good look at Severus. "I see, the DADA position is what is bothering you, as well as Slughorn. I best explain how this helps our plan."

"That would be great." Severus snapped sarcastically.

Harry just smiled at him. "Severus, who told Tom about Horcruxes?"

Severus thought for a few second. "Slughorn." He answered and understood why they were happy. "Dumbles hired him, he is going to start making you believe there are Horcruxes out there, and that you have to go and destroy them."

"Yes, and since we know where they are exactly, we can control the situation. Now with you in the DADA position, we can keep our little clubs going. One for the light and one for our people. We know there isn't a curse on the position itself, just the room, so we will change the classroom, tell him you want a bigger one for practicals. We can use the room that is two doors down, it is bigger and also can be connected directly to your office, so you won't have to switch your office either." Harry informed him.

"I wish the man had at least asked me." Severus informed them, still upset about the idea of not being asked. Harry and Tom gave him a kiss each and Tom pulled him onto his lap.

"I am wondering how he got Slughorn to return." Tom said, getting comfortable.

"Me." Harry told him. "Remember you said he collects famous people, how much you want to bet that Dumblegoat used my name to get him to return. I also think he did it to offset all the new Professors that are starting this year. He must be wondering which side of the war they will be on. I am sure he is also wondering why Voldemort hasn't made an appearance yet." All of the new Professors were followers of the Dark. None of them were marked but they did support Harry and Tom.

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