Chapter 10 Year 5 part 2

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Dumbledore was fuming. He couldn't find Sirius, Headquarters was locked down and he needed Harry. How could this all go so wrong? He was hoping to have Harry by Harry's birthday and everything all set for the boy to be his little weapon. Instead, nothing was going as planned. He was holding meetings either at the Burrow or in his office. He had also lost three more Aurors and some Ministry workers. They left his Order after some of the crack downs that were happening in the Ministry regarding people in the Order and they're breaking the law. He wasn't sure how he was going to replace the missing Ministry members, they were his little ways of finding out what was happening.

Severus stood on the platform with Harry, Lucius, and Draco. Sirius didn't want to be seen because he didn't want them to know he had never been truly Imperio by them and all of them were afraid of what Dumbledore might do if he found Sirius. Sirius had moved into Malfoy Manor later that night after clearing out his stuff and shutting down the Black house. They watched as the Weasley family came through the portal and saw Fred and George shake their heads no. Harry knew immediately that Molly was going to try something again. Severus squeezed his shoulders. "Here it comes." Draco mumbled, he saw the twins give the warning.

Over the last two weeks of the summer Fred, George, Bill, and Charlie Weasley all joined Harry. They didn't like what they had heard and seen at the Order meetings. When they saw the pensive memories from Sirius they held out their arms for Harry to mark. Bill had checked with Gringotts again to make sure Harry's vaults were safe, even though Severus was keeping a close eye on them with the help of Lucius.

"Harry, dear, where is Sirius?" Molly asked as she approached Harry, trying to appear sweet and innocent. She didn't want to draw any attention to her.

"I am not really sure. He didn't tell me where he was going." Harry answered, it was the truth he really wasn't sure where Sirius was right this moment, as he had said he was going out to do some research for Tom. "I am sure he will appear soon."

"Well, that is fine, but really dear, you should come with me and we can get this all straighten out. You must be very worried about Sirius." Molly wanted to get him to the Headmaster and if she did it now, they would have time alone before anyone would realize Harry didn't make the train. She knew Dumbledore was counting on her to get Harry away from Severus.

"There is nothing to straighten out, so I don't need to anywhere with you. I am sure Sirius is fine, he is a big boy after all. Dad, I will see you at school, come on Draco let's go and find a compartment." Harry move around Molly, who made a grab for him, she missed him. She tried again and Harry dodged her, Severus had enough.

"Aurors!" Severus called out. Two of their Aurors came over. "I want her arrest for attempting kidnapping, again." These Aurors weren't members of the Order. They knew exactly who Harry was. Tom and Harry made sure there were people who belonged to their side on the platform patrolling this year. They knew Dumbledore would try something, he was getting desperate.

"I wasn't trying to kidnap him." Molly was clearly indignant at what was being said about herself.

"What do you call it when someone tries to grab a person numerous times after said person told them they didn't want to go with them? I even said I was getting on the train, you tried to grab me a few different times. I don't know about anyone else but to me that is kidnapping." Harry glared at her, he was getting sick of these games.

"He is correct, according to our law." Lucius stated. "Harry said he was getting on the train after he informed you he wasn't going anywhere with you." Lucius leaned forward. "This time you aren't getting off with just a few months."

Ron heard and started yelling: "Death Eater scum" and some threats which all of them ignored as Molly was arrested again. Ron didn't stop screaming until one of the Aurors told him that they would arrest him for slander if he didn't close his mouth. Ron shut up finally and stormed onto the train.

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